Apollo-Simulation-Peripheral-Lab / DSKY

An affordable and easy to manufacture DSKY replica
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Implement FPGA Display Driver #34

Closed Aeasala closed 2 months ago

Aeasala commented 5 months ago

this is going to be the big one. probably an all-hands issue

Module is the Tang Nano 9K

Chip datasheet: https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/1033/DS117E-2820893.pdf

Current expected protocol is defined in ./serial-packet-protocol.yml

FPGA will need to store a DSKY state as provided through this serial protocol. A method of rasterizing this state in a consistent, visually accurate & true-to-form manner shall be implemented.

Aeasala commented 2 months ago

unfortunately, not moving forward with this.

cost savings are marginal vs. effort required & expandability over the orangepi