Apollon77 / ioBroker.daikin-cloud

ioBroker Adapter for Daikin-Cloud devices
MIT License
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Perfera mit BRP069C4x wird nicht "online" gezeigt #205

Closed fu-zhou closed 8 months ago

fu-zhou commented 8 months ago

Meine 3 Klimainnengeräte Perfera mit BRP069C4x Gateway werden als "offline" dargestellt und das Objekt "cloudConnected" steht auf (null). Ansteuern lassen sich die Geräte aber über den Adapter (0.3.1 von Github).

Apollon77 commented 8 months ago

Please add full debug log of the instance and tell which device it is

fu-zhou commented 8 months ago

all 3 devices show "connected true" in the log file however the state "cloudConnected" is not added nor an initial value is set during adapter start up unlike e.g. daylightSavingTimeEnabled:

2023-10-27 13:23:07.603 - debug: daikin-cloud.0 (346772) Added object ---c41.gateway.daylightSavingTimeEnabled (state) with initial value = true
2023-10-27 13:23:13.680 - debug: daikin-cloud.0 (346772) Set initial state value: ---c41.gateway.daylightSavingTimeEnabled = true


The extract of the DebugLog is attached. Daikin Log.txt

fu-zhou commented 8 months ago

I don't know what happened over the weekend, but all 3 devices are green now (online) and cloudConnected=true. Firmware is still the same...