AppThreat / vulnerability-db

Vulnerability database and package search for sources such as Linux, OSV, NVD, GitHub and npm. Powered by sqlite, CVE 5.0, purl, and vers.
MIT License
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[v6] Identifying c/c++ libraries and projects #95

Open prabhu opened 7 months ago

prabhu commented 7 months ago

We need a poc to experiment with better identification for c/c++ libraries with vulnerabilities.

With a local vuln-list repo, I am getting good hits from inside the NVD directory.

find . -name "*.json" -exec jq -c ".descriptions[].value" {} \; | rg '\.(c|cpp|h|hpp) '

We can build up a list of known vulnerable c/c++ libraries by collecting the various git and svn URLs from the references for those CVEs that refer to a .c/c++ code in the description (Low precision). We can then augment this list by looking for similar URLs in the NVD CPE feeds.

To improve precision, we may have to add more repos and CVEs to our data set manually.