AquaticEcoDynamics / libaed2

Code for the AED2 water quality / ecology library
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Settling configurations in mobility #10

Open robertladwig opened 5 years ago

robertladwig commented 5 years ago

Currently running GLM 3.0.0 with AED2 1.3.0 and tested this on a Mac and a Windows machine. It seems that the settling configuration in the aed2_mobility subroutines is not functioning as intended. Changing the settling configuration won't affect the model outcome, as it seems that GLM is always using the DEFAULT CASE with vvel = data%w_pom and vvel_cpom = data%w_cpom (instead of for instance Stoke's Law).

My guess is that the keywords from aed2.h aren't read in properly, as AED2 doesn't recognize the settling/migration keyword.

robertladwig commented 4 years ago

Tried the different settling options using GLM 3.0.5 and AED 1.3.2. Still, using Stokes Law (settling =3 ) for particulate organic matter relies on sedimentation velocity and doesn't recognize changes in the density and diameter.

POP with settling = 1 (constant) and velocity set to 0 POP_settl1_vel0

POP with settling = 3 (Stokes) and velocity set to 0 POP_settl3_vel0

POP with settling = 1 (constant) and velocity set to 1 POP_settl1_vel1

POP with settling = 3 (Stokes) and velocity set to 1 POP_settl3_vel1

POP with settling = 3, velocity = 1 and density to 2000, so it should sink like a stone POP_settl3_vel1_dens2000

POP with settling = 3, velocity = 1 and density to 0.1, so it should float POP_settl3_vel1_dens01

matthipsey commented 4 years ago

Hey @robertladwig Can you plot OGM_Psed_pop? In fact OGM_Psed_pop/OGM_pop should be vvel in m/s

matthipsey commented 4 years ago

@robertladwig Can you also make suremobility_off = .false. in glm.nml &wq_setup though I doubt this is wrong as otherwise changing velocity wouldn't work

robertladwig commented 4 years ago

@matthipsey mobility_off is set to .false. And OGM_Psed_pop seems to be null in my simulation. Does the Psed-Variable only include advective transport? VEL