ArchivesPortalEuropeFoundation / EAG2012

Maintenance of EAG2012, the Encoded Archival Guide for describing institutions with archival holdings
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[Major revision] Add @localTypeDeclarationReference to each occurrence of @localType #145

Open kerstarno opened 1 year ago

kerstarno commented 1 year ago

Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above. Delete the part of the issue template that does not apply depending on whether you describe a change to an existing element / attribute or the addition of a new one.

Creator of issue

State your name, organisation and ways to reach you. Name: Kerstin Arnold Organisation: Archives Portal Europe Foundation, Working Group on Standards Email: GitHub username (if applicable): @kerstarno

Changes to existing element / attribute

Give the current name of the element / attribute. Include the tag name and the full name. Name: @localType

Change in data type (attributes)

Indicate any changes in an attribute's data type including the mention of specific default values (if applicable). New data type (with default values): token (this is a relaxation compared to the data type anyURI that is used in EAG 2012)

New element / attribute

Give the name of the new element / attribute. Include the tag name and the full name. Name: @localTypeDeclarationReference (data type: IDREFS) alongside each @localType (data type: token)

Context and availability

List all parent elements to which the element / attribute should be added. For elements, give an indication of their availability within each parent element ("1..1" for required but not repeatable, "1 (or another number)..n" for required and repeatable, "0..1" for optional but not repeatable", "0..n" for optional and repeatable). For attributes, indicate their availability with "1" for required or "0" for optional within each parent element. Parent element(s): <otherAgencyCode>, <span>, <otherRecordId>, <identity>, <nameEntry>, <part>, <dateSet>, <date>, <dateRange>, <fromDate>, <toDate>, <nameEntrySet>, <otherRepositoryType>, <placeName>, <places>, <place>, <address>, <addressLine>, <contact>, <contactLine>, <functions>, <function>, <legalStatuses>, <legalStatus>, <mandates>, <mandate>, <biogHist>, <abstract>, <chronList>, <chronItem>, <event>, <list>, <item>, <existDates>, <corpName>, <famName>, <genreForm>, <name>, <persName>, <subject>, <internetAccess>, <multilingualServices>, <exhibition>, <otherServices>, <refreshment>, <toursSessions>, <advancedOrders>, <photographAllowance>, <readersTicket>, <researchServices>, <restorationLaboratory>, <reproductionServices>, <socialMedia>, <structureOrGenealogy>, <image>, <relationType>, <targetRole>

Example for usage of the new / changed element (including potential attributes)

Describe how the new / changed element should be used. Write your text after the "Text:" below. Text: The idea is that any local types used throughout an EAG 3.0 document should be declared in <localTypeDeclaration> within <control> e.g. be referencing a(n) (inter)national vocabulary or a local one. Each time one of these declared local types is used within the document, the @localTypeDeclarationReference attribute should then be used next to it in order to point to the @id(-s) of the relevant <localTypeDeclaration> element(s).

kerstarno commented 1 year ago

For <nameEntry> (although used differently in EAG 3.0) and for <part> the restricted, predefined list of values for @localType will be removed. See #124 for more details on encoding and potential conversion from EAG2012 to EAG 3.0.

<targetEntity>, the replacement for <relationEntry> will not include @localType anymore. This is the only element for which @localType would be removed, but could be transferred to the required sub-element <part> of <targetEntity>. See #111.