ArdanaLabs / DanaSwapUI

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Ardana application’s front-end web platforms

image:["Hercules continuous integration status for all DanaSwapUI front-ends", link=""] image:["Cachix provisioning of binary builds",link=""]

NOTE: This looks like a monorepo, but doesn’t quack like one. Without workspace support for dream2nix, this should likely be split out into individual repositories as there’s no advantage in keeping these together.

== Build

=== Build Via Nix

List all the outputs of the flake.nix with nix flake show

. Build the project of your choice: + [source,shell-session]

$ nix build .#frontend-{dashboard,landing,…}

. See the contents of the result file that is produced in the current directory. + [source,shell-session]

$ tree result/lib/node_modules/ardana-${application}/build/ -L 2 result/lib/node_modules/ardana-application/build/ ├── asset-manifest.json ├── favicon.ico ├── index.html ├── logo192.png ├── manifest.json ├── robots.txt └── static ├── css ├── js └── media

=== Build via Npm

.Obtaining an executable file [source,shell-session]

$ npm run build

== Developer setup

=== Installation

:abbr-LTS: pass:[LTS] :table-caption!:

[%autowidth,frame=none] .Requirements |=== |package |version| notes

|nodejs |>=16 | {abbr-LTS} |npm |>=6 | |===

These requirements are provided in the Nix development shell or get them from your system’s package manager, then

.From inside each project [source,shell-session]

$ npm install --legacy-peer-deps

This will install the rest of packages from NPM to build the front-end.

NOTE: As of now the --legacy-peer-deps is required to resolve certain downstream dependencies

== Formatting[EditorConfig] and[Prettier] are used to format various files. Please enable them to be ran from your editor or in your personal Git Hooks.

=== Workflow instructions

Refer to the projects’ package.json for details, but a quick start:

.Start development server from project directories [source,shell-session]

$ npm --workspace=frontend start

.Run test suites from project directories [source,shell-session]

$ npm run test

.Lint files from project directories [source,shell-session]

$ npm run lint

=== Directory structure explanation

frontend-dashboard | frontend-landing::

Core branches::