ArshKA / LinkedIn-Job-Scraper

LinkedIn scraper to retrieve and store a live stream of job postings
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jobs jobsearch linkedin linkedin-api scraper webscraping

LinkedIn Job Scraper

Program to scrape and store a constant stream of LinkedIn job postings and dozens of their respective attributes

Download the polished dataset and view insights at -

User Configurations



This program consists of 2 main scripts, running in parallel.

python - discovers new job postings and insert the most recent IDs and minimal attributes into the database

python - populates tables with complete job attributes

It's important to note that while typically runs smoothly, even through your personal IP and a singular account, can be a bit finicky. Each search generates approximately 25-50 results, all of which must be individually queried to obtain their attributes. To enhance its performance, I recommend the following strategies:

Converting Database to CSV

python --folder <destination folder> --database <linkedin_jobs.db>

Creates a CSV file for each database, along with minimal preprocessing

Database Structure

You can find the structure of the database here