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Refactoring Legendary XP Cost #190

Open dreamsofgold opened 5 years ago

dreamsofgold commented 5 years ago

This isn't a feature issue so much as a follow up on two things:

  1. I made a +request on the game about a month ago about legendary costs that I will copy/paste here duly, and which I had also pasted on issue #50.

  2. @rozzingit suggested I make a separate issue to open it for discussion so here it is:

So, this is likely not something you want to deal with right now, but in light of the work you guys are gonna have to do for the postgres cutover, I figured this is as good an opportunity as any.

As you may have noticed, both through my goals and my rfrs, I spun Amund's entire story around training and becoming a blademaster of note. Part of this is attaining a combat legendary, medium wpn 6, and then starting to work on teaching and capping a few skills at five in order to achieve the overarching goal.

The problem is, I'm running up a very, very steep hill. And that hill is the double-cost for combat legendaries. See, with the base XP changes, plus the refactor of the multiplier for combat legendaries, instead of the nominal XP cost of 1000 as is written in the code, it costs me three thousand XP to get there. I am currently sitting on a pile of 1800 XP.

It's been said before that the order of spends don't matter, and that legendaries need to be end-game... but they do. Especially now that legendaries add to XP tax, which means that you can't really just do them last if you want. You have to do them first, and rely on either gear or your lucky stars to survive long enough for three thousand XP.

And the problem is that anyone who can only dedicate maybe 10 hours a week or less to the game cannot attain that goal in less than 3 years. Let's assume a person earns 20 XP a week through any combination. You still need 150 weeks in order to achieve your goal. 150 weeks split by four equals 37 and a half months.

That is roughly three years, one month, fifteen days to achieve the legendary. Understand, then, that that is a lot of time to dedicate to a single purchase in the game, and while I understand the design in making legendaries harder to attain, this has made them inconvenient unless you can somehow pull 40 or 60 XP a week. As a frame of reference, the top 20 earners only get around 25 to a maximum of 35 a week, tops.

It isn't a deal breaker, and it can be quite an exercise in cunning to use only a character's starter sheet to overcome challenges, but there comes a time where even that hits a plateau. It is hard to see other people's characters progressing and seeing yours encased in ice until that fateful day it dies or it vaults over the peak and finally makes the goal.

So, as a tl;dr, what I'm asking is to reconsider the refactoring of combat legendaries to something like 1.25 or 1.30 instead of 2.00 because this would make the goal much less of a sacrifice on the player.

dvoraen commented 5 years ago

So, my take on legendary skills is that they should be a set value that isn't subject to the XP tax. Even if something like 1000/2000xp is the value set for each legendary, that's still a considerable amount of XP to accrue. Speaking for myself, in seven months I've gotten on the weekly XP post twice, as I'm usually in the low high teens to low 20s for XP. If we just use that value and ignore +firstimpression XP contributions, that's almost an RL year for a non-combat legendary purchase, and only the legendary purchase is what would happen. It's a serious time and patience commitment just in terms of XP alone.

And that's without factoring in the tax. Just from playing around with numbers, legendary XP goes astronomically higher (in terms of RL time to accrue). Higher XP PCs approach 2-3 RL years to pick up a legendary skill, and Pantheon help them if they want a combat legendary at higher tax values, since training discounts don't(?) happen with legendary ranks.

So I'm repeating @dreamsofgold a little, yes, so I'll get to kind of the point of this, in how I see legendary ranks:

  1. Set to a fixed value not subject to the XP tax. I do not think the combat legendary cost should be simply 2x the non-combat one. 50% more, perhaps, but not double. Double is a lot to ask for one extra die even in combat. (Picture someone with Legendary Dodge; what did they really gain from it, statistically speaking?)

  2. A small (5%?) critical chance bonus just by virtue of it being legendary, if this isn't already the case. They're legendary for a reason, it's a lot of XP, and the benefit arguably does not outweigh the requisite XP (and thus, time) investment. I feel like knacks are a better XP investment than a legendary, in short.

  3. The requirement for a legendary skill should involve one or more actions, rather than just xp/spend. Why?

Whether there should be a limit on how many 6's a PC can have for skills is not something I've put much thought into. I rather think there should be a cap (you can only be so capable, after all), but again, not a small time investment to get one, let alone two, because of the % tax.

rozzingit commented 5 years ago

First, it should be an action so staff can directly work with the PC on why they are legendary. I don't think any legendary purchase should be 'eh' versus the entire Compact knowing about it, just by definition of the word. Also, legend prestige for obvious reasons.

Just a note about this: currently, you can spend your XP on a 6 without any oversight, just like any other skill. But you do have to request the legendary title/honorific, and there have definitely been requests denied because the PC hasn't made enough of a name for themselves yet (with direction for a path forward to what staff expects to see before approving it). So having a skill at 6 means you're good enough at the skill to be famous across the Compact for it, but it doesn't actually mean that you are famous yet. Those two facets are separate at present.

dreamsofgold commented 5 years ago

Even so, you can only purchase that six to the detriment of your character development in other areas or you can abandon purchasing that six which might also severely discourage the truly enterprising from other things that take time and effort commitments.

I think a static value as @dvoraen mentions (as it was in the past) or a lower combat cost multiplier for sixes might work out wonderfully. I understand that any such changes will have to happen after the postgres migration, but a stop-gap measure would be welcome now as well.

CaspianWild commented 5 years ago

I think legendary skills should just have a flat cost of a 1,000 or 1,500 xp. It'd still be expensive but you wouldn't be incentivized to pick it up early and instead could pick it up at a later date.

dvoraen commented 5 years ago

The more I think on it personally, the more I'm inclined to say what @CaspianAndCirroch and @dreamsofgold both did about "set value" for legendary, and I mean all legendaries. I think the XP cost of a legendary is enough of an investment in player time that combat skills shouldn't be penalized by requiring double the commitment. (For the record, 1500xp is what I'm looking at, myself, but my above point about how it should probably be its own progression system still stands. I don't think XP alone should be the deciding factor.)

If such a change is actually made, though, some combat-focused PCs are going to make a killing at the proverbial XP bank, because of the likely reimbursal/respec of the overage.

dreamsofgold commented 5 years ago

The more I think on it personally, the more I'm inclined to say what @CaspianAndCirroch and @dreamsofgold both did about "set value" for legendary, and I mean all legendaries. I think the XP cost of a legendary is enough of an investment in player time that combat skills shouldn't be penalized by requiring double the commitment. (For the record, 1500xp is what I'm looking at, myself, but my above point about how it should probably be its own progression system still stands. I don't think XP alone should be the deciding factor.)

If such a change is actually made, though, some combat-focused PCs are going to make a killing at the proverbial XP bank, because of the likely reimbursal/respec of the overage.

Perhaps so, but there has to be a reasonable level that both represents time investment in a task AND doesn't penalize you by hindering one of the most tangible metrics of character development.