Ash515 / AutomaDesk

Desktop Files Organizing Automation
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[FEAT] : Implement Auto-Organize Function for Autodesk Software. #38

Open anglerfishlyy opened 1 month ago

anglerfishlyy commented 1 month ago


The current process of organizing files within Autodesk software can be time-consuming and prone to errors, particularly in projects with large numbers of files and complex folder structures. To address this challenge and enhance user productivity, lets implement an Auto-Organize function within the software.

Features of Auto-Organize Function:

Automated Sorting: The Auto-Organize function will automatically sort files into designated folders based on predefined criteria such as file type, date modified, project phase, or user-defined attributes.

Flexible Configuration: Users will have the flexibility to configure and customize the Auto-Organize function according to their specific project requirements. This includes defining sorting rules, specifying folder destinations, and setting up triggers for automatic organization.

Intelligent Recommendations: The Auto-Organize function will provide intelligent recommendations for folder organization based on project type. These recommendations will help users set up efficient folder structures from the start of a project.

Undo Functionality: In case of accidental file movements or organization errors, the Auto-Organize function will include an undo feature to revert changes and restore files to their original locations.


Time Savings Consistency Improved Workflow

Implementation Considerations:

User Interface: Design an intuitive user interface for configuring and activating the Auto-Organize function, ensuring ease of use for users of all skill levels.

Performance Optimization: Optimize the performance of the Auto-Organize function to handle large volumes of files and folders without impacting software performance.

Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to address potential issues such as file conflicts, missing destination folders, or insufficient permissions.

Additional Notes: The Auto-Organize function is a valuable enhancement that will streamline file organization workflows within Autodesk software, benefiting users across various industries and project types. By automating tedious manual tasks, this feature will empower users to focus more on their creative work and less on administrative overhead.

let us make AUTOMADESK outstanding!!

anglerfishlyy commented 1 month ago

I like introducing such things in repos. would you kindly assign and label this issue?(gssoc and level). thanks.