AshwinRJ / Federated-Learning-PyTorch

Implementation of Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data
MIT License
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deep-learning distributed-computing federated-learning python pytorch

Federated-Learning (PyTorch)

Implementation of the vanilla federated learning paper : Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data.

Experiments are produced on MNIST, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR10 (both IID and non-IID). In case of non-IID, the data amongst the users can be split equally or unequally.

Since the purpose of these experiments are to illustrate the effectiveness of the federated learning paradigm, only simple models such as MLP and CNN are used.


Install all the packages from requirments.txt


Running the experiments

The baseline experiment trains the model in the conventional way.

Federated experiment involves training a global model using many local models.

You can change the default values of other parameters to simulate different conditions. Refer to the options section.


The default values for various paramters parsed to the experiment are given in Details are given some of those parameters:

Federated Parameters

Results on MNIST

Baseline Experiment:

The experiment involves training a single model in the conventional way.


Table 1: Test accuracy after training for 10 epochs:

Model Test Acc
MLP 92.71%
CNN 98.42%

Federated Experiment:

The experiment involves training a global model in the federated setting.

Federated parameters (default values):

Table 2: Test accuracy after training for 10 global epochs with:

Model IID Non-IID (equal)
MLP 88.38% 73.49%
CNN 97.28% 75.94%

Further Readings


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