Athlon1600 / php-proxy

A web proxy script written in PHP and built as an alternative to Glype.
MIT License
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New Mod_security issue #144

Closed stml closed 3 years ago

stml commented 3 years ago

I have been using php-proxy successfully for some time on a project (for which, many thanks).

However, when attempting to proxy, I now get a blanket error message:

Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

This occurs with any site I attempt to proxy. I have not changed anything on my side, and my setup has worked perfectly for a long time.

Any advice gratefully received.

stml commented 3 years ago

Have installed the latest, unchanged version of php-proxy on the same server, and I have the same issue. Attempting to load a proxied page gets the Mod_Security issue, so it is not due to any modifications I have made to the code. This has been tested in multiple browsers, so I don't believe it's a cookie or similar issue (although I might be wrong).

stml commented 3 years ago

And after discussion with my hosting provider, I got my sitelist whitelisted for mod_security, and it's working again. So not a php-proxy issue, and closing this thread.