AtlasOfLivingAustralia / DataQuality

Data Quality
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Alert on changes to annotation status #182

Open M-Nicholls opened 3 years ago

M-Nicholls commented 3 years ago

Add an alert type on my annotations e.g. when the custodian verifies the annotation/record or makes a correction

opt in when making an annotation on the flag an issue dialogue - checkbox "notify me when my annotations are updated" - shows as checked if the user has previously opted in - in

add to my profile - alerts

example query for the alert:

this will actually need four alerts - one for each status

open issue - 50001, verified - 50002 or corrected - 50003

and one for when the data is updated

check current behavior - ideally should trigger when a record changes state including from open issue to verified or corrected

M-Nicholls commented 3 years ago

Could set up alerts emails as configurable (Talk to @m-hope will help with biosecurity as well)

M-Nicholls commented 3 years ago

flag an issue in bulk

M-Nicholls commented 3 years ago

Add an item to my alerts:

My Annotations Notify me when records I have flagged are set to "open issue" - the custodian has reviewed your issue and is investigating Notify me when records I have flagged are set to "verified" - the custodian has investigated your issue and verifies that the record is correct and the flagged issue does not apply Notify me when records I have flagged are set to "corrected" - the custodian has investigated your issue and has corrected the data in the source system. The data available in the ALA will be updated in the next data refresh

M-Nicholls commented 3 years ago

Set alert on open issue - 50001

M-Nicholls commented 3 years ago

be able to alert on changes in alert status