AtomLinter / linter-pylint

Atom linter plugin for Python, using pylint.
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Error in atom #226

Open drewth1 opened 7 years ago

drewth1 commented 7 years ago

Hey so I don't know a ton about coding, just how to write some python code for analysis purpose. Since installing pylint along with regular linter to atom, I've had an issue of it not working. The current error is listed below. there had been a few different ones which i do not have saved. I have installed through atom and through the cmd window.

Error running Pylint Error: '"program location"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. at Object. (file:///C:/Users/Drew/.atom/packages/linter-pylint/lib/main.js:161:17) at () at step (C:\Users\Drew.atom\packages\linter-pylint\lib\main.js:7:273)

[Linter] Error running Pylint Error: Failed to spawn command _program location_. Make sure C:\Users\Drew\OneDrive is installed and on your PATH at C:\Users\Drew.atom\packages\linter-pylint\node_modules\atom-linter\lib\helpers.js:130:24 (anonymous) @ C:\Users\Drew.atom\packages\linter\lib\linter-registry.js:159

Thanks, Drew

Arcanemagus commented 7 years ago

It looks like you've tried to change the "Executable Path" setting to an invalid value. Generally this should be left at the default value (pylint) letting your system determine the location though the %PATH%. If you do need to specify a specific location it should be the full path of pylint, in other words something like C:\foo\bar\pylint.exe.

drewth1 commented 7 years ago

Alright I have fixed the pathing, however I have received the same first error. The first error occurs on files located inside a bitbucket repository, and the second error was with a file in onedrive. I am not sure if that should play a difference since those are just synced online.

Arcanemagus commented 7 years ago

Both of those were the same error, and that error was a misconfiguration of the "Executable Path" setting. Is there any reason you aren't just leaving that at the default?

drewth1 commented 7 years ago

i thought maybe changing it would fix the linter, however i uninstalled and reinstalled recently so it should be set at default now

ddaanet commented 6 years ago

Uninstalled and reinstalling the linter-pylint package does not clear the settings saved in the .atom/config.cson file. You need to go to the linter-pylint package settings and clear the offending setting.

TheEmirGroup commented 3 years ago

Hi DDAANET I seem to be having the same problems. I would love to use flake8 but cannot seem to even though the package is installed via ATOM from the install toolbar under File>>Settings>


C:\Users\yusuf.atom\packages\linter\lib\linter-registry.js:177 [Linter] Error running Flake8 Error: Failed to spawn command C:\Users\yusuf\anaconda3\Scripts\. Make sure C:\Users\yusuf\anaconda3\Scripts\ is installed and on your PATH at C:\Users\yusuf.atom\packages\linter-flake8\node_modules\atom-linter\lib\helpers.js:130:24 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:89:5)

My config.cson file is below image

"*": core: telemetryConsent: "limited" editor: fontSize: 11 tabLength: 4 tabType: "soft" "exception-reporting": userId: "8bf0a403-0442-4cae-82e7-3324e21ab997" "linter-flake8": executablePath: "C:\Users\yusuf\anaconda3\Scripts\" "linter-pylint": executablePath: "C:\Users\yusuf\.atom\packages\linter-pylint" pythonPath: "C:\Users\yusuf\.atom\packages\linter-pylint" rcFile: "C:\Users\yusuf\.atom\packages\linter-pylint" "linter-ui-default": panelHeight: 317

Flake 8 is installed 11:50 PM)where flake8 C:\Users\yusuf\anaconda3\Scripts\flake8.exe

echo $PATH returns the following

/c/Users/yusuf/bin:/mingw64/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/mingw64/bin:/usr/bin:/c/Users/yusuf/bin:/c/windows/system32:/c/windows:/c/windows/System32/Wbem:/c/windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/c/windows/System32/OpenSSH:/cmd:/c/Users/yusuf/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/c/Users/yusuf/AppData/Local/atom/bin:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/c/Users/yusuf:/c/Users/yusuf/Scripts: C/Users/yusuf/Anaconda3: C/Users/yusuf/Anaconda3/Scripts: C/Users/yusuf/anaconda3: C/Users/yusuf/anaconda3/Scripts:/c/Users/yusuf/anaconda3:/c/Users/yusuf/anaconda3/Scripts:/c/Users/yusuf:/c/Users/yusuf/Scripts: C/Users/yusuf/Anaconda3: C/Users/yusuf/Anaconda3/Scripts: /C/Users/yusuf/anaconda3: /C/Users/yusuf/anaconda3/Scripts:/c/Users/yusuf/anaconda3:/c/Users/yusuf/anaconda3/Scripts