Atreidae / Get-CsUserLocation

Returns the user location as an object.
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Need to test/define user requirements #1

Open Atreidae opened 6 years ago

Atreidae commented 6 years ago

User has downloaded app and cannot get to function with their user. Presently user requirements are undefined


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Atreidae commented 6 years ago

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I’ve had a chance to run the script in a Lync 2013 (Standard Edition) environment. The user that I’ve inputted has the CSViewOnlyAdministrator group membership. However, I do get an error.

The first one is that it can’t find the SkypeForBusiness module (its Lync 2013 so I commented those pieces out. The final error I get is “We couldn’t AuthN with the username & password provided. Update and try again.”. I’ve double checked the user password.

What are the requirements for this user?


Not 100% sure on the user requirements yet (I did day it was a beta) but as long as the user can sign in and pull the users status it should be okay. is the user Lync enabled? your effectively logging into Lync/Skype4b pool as a user via the Reverse Proxy using UCWA. IE not using PowerShell cmdlets. So RBAC roles should be Irrelevant.


I did enable the user for Lync but I get the same authentication error. I’ve tried several variations of the username DOMAIN\USERNAME and just the username, Not sure. But I do understand that its beta and I appreciate you putting any time into this at all.

Atreidae commented 6 years ago

Published V0.11 to log further information