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Working drafts of HL7™ FHIR® Release 4 (R4) artefacts authored and maintained by the Informatics Architecture team at the Australian Digital Health Agency.
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ValueSet - Imaging Anatomic Region to support exchange of diagnostic reports #108

Open davidmckillop opened 3 years ago

davidmckillop commented 3 years ago


The issue

Change description

Grouping of sites based on anatomical region is a consistent means of finding, classifying or discovering the results of imaging intensive diagnostic investigations, and therefore it is valuable to categorise a diagnostic report based on anatomical region.

A ValueSet is required to support anatomical region imaged to enable categorisation. SNOMED CT concepts should be utilised moving forward as it is the Agency's preferred national clinical terminology. Additionally, SNOMED CT is the preferred national solution for clinical terminology endorsed by the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council (AHMAC). In recent workshops with RANZCR, SNOMED CT was identified as the preferred terminology to support diagnostic imaging.

The ValueSet must be consistent with the following list of anatomical regions produced as a result of consultation by Australian Government Department of Health with RANZCR in 2014, which formed the basis of the Information Requirements for eHealth Diagnostic Imaging Report:

What it actually enables people to do

Categorisation based on anatomical region enables a consistent method of finding or aggregating imaging intensive diagnostic reports. It may be utilised for indexing, reporting, searching or discovering diagnostic reports that are focused on a particular anatomical region, and therefore contains imaging based on relevant anatomical sites or locations. For example, a potential use case may involve a clinician being notified of reports detailing prior similar or proximate imaging that is relevant for clinical decision making. It may prevent duplicate or unnecessary imaging, and assist in discoverability of reports that aid patient management.

How awesome would it be?

Anatomical region is a widely adopted means of categorisation supported by the Agency, which the Australian Government Department of Health and Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists both continue to endorse. Categorisation based on anatomical region is also supported by the RANZCR's Clinical Radiology Written Report Guidelines, which states "relevant imaging findings should be characterised as specifically as possible including a description of; precise anatomical location using accepted anatomical terminology and modality; size or extent; other anatomical imaging characteristics relevant to diagnosis or treatment."

The potential benefits of categorisation based on anatomical region include reporting capability, and indexing to assist clinicians in finding relevant or related reports, and therefore assisting in reducing unnecessary repeat imaging. Categorisation by anatomical region would provide a means of searching and discovering imaging intensive diagnostic reports.


The NCTIS Anatomical Region ValueSet is currently published on the NCTS, and may be used until a SNOMED CT set is produced.

Additional context

The NCTIS Anatomical Region ValueSet is published on the National Clinical Terminology Service (NCTS) and is implemented in My Health Record system for eHealth Diagnostic Imaging Report CDA R2 documents. The ValueSet is also used to describe Anatomical Region in Imaging Examination Result DCM and Diagnostic Imaging SCS and CDA implementation guide. The use of SNOMED CT concepts to describe anatomical regions is preferred but was unable was unable to be developed at the time of implementation, hence the NCTIS set was produced as a workaround in order to deliver the product within the required timeframe.

Consideration for ValueSet to be bound to DiagnosticReport.Category (a slice of category to indicate categorisation based on anatomy, where binding strength may be preferred but cardinality optional). ValueSet could potentially be used in ImagingStudy or an imaging Observation, noting Observation.bodySite and ImagingStudy.bodySite currently enables indication of the observed body structure.

Comparable existing terminology

jaymeemurdoch commented 3 years ago

Proposed Solution

  1. A new ValueSet for Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest composed of SNOMED CT concepts that are representative of the set of values proposed by the Australian Government Department of Health after consultation with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
  2. Two new ConceptMaps describing relationships between the new Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set and NCTIS Anatomical Region value set to provide clarity on code equivalence and provide a path forwards for the transition of affected legacy materials
. Proposed ValueSet
Proposed Title Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest (alternative: Imaging Anatomic Area of Interest)
Proposed Description The Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set contains values that may be used to represent the anatomic region of interest for an imaging procedure or The Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set contains values that may be used to represent the anatomic area of interest for a diagnostic imaging procedure.
Proposed URL

ValueSet Requirement: To describe the general area or region where a diagnostic image is taken, to enable categorisation by common area/region. This value set will contain the equivalent SNOMED CT concepts representing the NCTIS Anatomical Region values suggested by DoH, after consultation with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, that are currently in use. The suggested values are not indicative of all defined body regions and represents only the common regions identified for categorisation of diagnostic imaging.

SCT ID Preferred Term
69536005 Head structure
45048000 Neck structure
51185008 Thoracic structure (syn of Chest)
80891009 Heart structure
76752008 Breast structure
818983003 Abdomen
12921003 Structure of pelvis
53120007 Upper limb structure
61685007 Lower limb structure
122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column
122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column
122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column
38266002 Entire body as a whole - Note the addition of a new concept representing 'whole body' was considered, however given the concept is representing the entire body, the existing 'entire' concept was chosen. This is supported by DICOM.

ValueSet proposed in FTR-1223.

jaymeemurdoch commented 3 years ago

Proposed Concept Map Resources (R4 & R5)

NCTIS Anatomical Region to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest

. Proposed ConceptMap
Proposed Title NCTIS Anatomical Region to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest
Proposed Description The NCTIS Anatomical Region to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest concept map defines relationships from the concepts in the NCTIS Anatomic Region value set to the concepts in the Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set.
Proposed URL
Source: NCTIS Anatomical Region ValueSet Equivalence Target: Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest ValueSet
Head R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 69536005 Head structure
Neck R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 45048000 Neck structure
Chest R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 51185008 Thoracic structure (syn of Chest)
Cardiac R4: narrower; R5: source-is-broader-than-target 80891009 Heart structure
Breast R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 76752008 Breast structure
Abdomen R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 818983003 Abdomen
Pelvis R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 12921003 Structure of pelvis
Upper Limb R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 53120007 Upper limb structure
Lower Limb R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 61685007 Lower limb structure
Cervical Spine R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column
Thoracic Spine R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column
Lumbar Spine R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column
Whole Body R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 38266002 Entire body as a whole

ConceptMap proposed in FTR-1233. Note although the exact definition is unknown, ‘cardiac’ is interpreted to include heart, pericardium and major vessels.

Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to NCTIS Anatomical Region

. Proposed ConceptMap
Proposed Title Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to NCTIS Anatomical Region
Proposed Description The Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to NCTIS Anatomical Region concept map defines relationships from concepts in the Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set to the concepts in the NCTIS Anatomical Region value set.
Proposed URL
Source: Target: Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest ValueSet Equivalence NCTIS Anatomical Region ValueSet
69536005 Head structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Head
45048000 Neck structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Neck
51185008 Thoracic structure (syn of Chest) R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Chest
80891009 Heart structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target Cardiac
76752008 Breast structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Breast
818983003 Abdomen R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Abdomen
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Pelvis
53120007 Upper limb structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Upper Limb
61685007 Lower limb structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Lower Limb
122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Cervical Spine
122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Thoracic Spine
122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Lumbar Spine
38266002 Entire body as a whole R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent Whole Body

ConceptMap proposed in FTR-1228. Note: Although the exact definition is unknown, ‘cardiac’ is interpreted to include heart, pericardium and major vessels.

dtr-agency commented 3 years ago

I agree with set of concepts chosen, including the decision to request a new concept for whole body. In the concept maps I am happy to go forwards with equivalent for all concepts but am also happy to take the advice that cardiac and heart structure have a narrower/wider equivalence.

At this time I think we are looking at proposing a 'slice' for categorising imaging intensive diagnostic investigations that may include Observation.category, Composition.category, DiagnosticReport.category.

jaymeemurdoch commented 3 years ago

Feedback from Liam Barnes (Terminologist, Clinical Terminology and Tooling) regarding the proposed ValueSet:

My suggested set is as follows:

69536005 |Head structure| 45048000 |Neck structure| 816094009 |Structure of thoracic cross-sectional segment of trunk| 80891009 |Heart structure| 76752008 |Breast structure| 818982008 |Abdominopelvic cross-sectional segment| 816092008 |Structure of pelvic cross-sectional segment of trunk| 53120007 |Upper limb structure| 61685007 |Lower limb structure| 122494005 |Structure of cervical vertebral column| 122495006 |Structure of thoracic vertebral column| 122496007 |Structure of lumbar vertebral column| 38266002 |Entire body as a whole|

The NCTIS Anatomical Region Values concept, 6 - Abdomen, is ambiguous, however, given the NCTIS set is very similar to the region set used by RadLex/LOINC and they are based on the Foundational Model of Anatomy, I've assumed this definition as the intended original meaning. An article describing the important distinction between imaging regions and strict anatomist region definitions:

I've suggested 38266002 |Entire body as a whole| for the NCTIS Anatomical Region Values concept, 13 - Whole Body. The concept of the "entire body" is supported by RadLex/LOINC and SNOMED CT in imaging procedure modelling and has been adopted in DICOM. It also aligns with the notion of "whole". I recognise that this concept does not subsume more specific body regions and parts. If a different concept to the original is desired that includes the entire body or its parts, then I would suggest, 91723000 |Anatomical structure|, which would subsume all other regions.

Feedback addressed as follows:

dtr-agency commented 3 years ago

I have reviewed the amended proposal and reasoning and am happy to proceed with using 38266002 |Entire body as a whole| on the understanding that this code is an imprecise code that may include for example 95% of the body but is not to be understood to always mean 100% of the body.

jaymeemurdoch commented 3 years ago

Value Assessment - Concept Maps from Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to other existing terminologies:

DICOM - Common Anatomic Regions DICOM set is extensive and includes concepts addressing specific components of a region. For example, in addition to 'Lower limb', it includes 'Lower leg', 'Muscle of lower limb' and 'Bone of lower limb'. Some of these components of general regions may be considered as specific body structures that would be represented by the Primary Anatomic Structure being imaged. It also includes combined body regions, for example, 'Neck and Chest', 'Neck, Chest and Abdomen', 'Neck Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis'. Given the anatomical region is to be used in conjunction with a specific body site location being imaged, the level of detail included is generally unnecessary, however the combined sites may be of use.
A ConceptMap between DICOM and the proposed ValueSet would be of value given DICOM is the international standard for the transmission of imaging information.

LOINC - Region Imaged LOINC set closely resembles the set proposed by RANZCR (with DoH) in the regions and level of granularity. A concept map between this LOINC set and the proposed ValueSet would be of value given LOINC is widely implemented in Australia.

RadLex - BODY_REGION While the RadLex set shares some similarities with the set proposed by RANZCR (with DoH), there are some components within a region that are addressed specifically. For example, in addition to 'Head', there are concepts to represent 'Face' and 'Skull', and in addition to 'Spine', there are concepts for 'Cervical spine', 'Lumbar spine', 'Lumbosacral spine', 'Thoracic Spine' and Thoracolumbar spine'. One combined region is also included, 'Skull base to mid-thigh'.
As RadLex is implemented to a lesser extent, a concept map may be considered between this RadLex set and the proposed ValueSet if stakeholder feedback deems it necessary.

davidmckillop commented 3 years ago

I have reviewed the above design and the recommended change to use 38266002 |Entire body as a whole| as similar concepts are used in NCTS, DICOM and LOINC.
I agree with the proposed concept maps to NCTS, DICOM and LOINC and agree that there is uncertain adoption of RadLex that a concept map can be left at this stage until community feedback suggests that a concept map to RadLex would be useful.

dtr-agency commented 3 years ago

I think NCTIS and SNOMED CT ConceptMaps are a high priority to be published and go into use. The DICOM and LOINC ConceptMaps to the SNOMED CT set are of value - they are a lower priority than the NCTIS. The definition and use of these maps is interesting. I agree that RadLex can be left to community request and be out of scope of this issue.

Please move forward with designing the ConceptMaps (and necessary pre-requisite terminology resources) for DICOM and SNOMED CT. And for LOINC and SNOMED CT. Ideally we could leverage existing value sets for LOINC and DICOM.

The NCTIS and SNOMED CT maps are to be used in defining the difference in definition of these concepts in the information model between current implementation (NCTIS) and the intended future state (SNOMED CT).

The current supported implementation in the MHR is defined as NCTIS though potentially at a lower level of conformance other terminology may still be supplied e.g. systems may be sending DICOM or LOINC. Given this, is there any value in defining the relationships between DICOM, LOINC, and NCTIS?

jaymeemurdoch commented 3 years ago

LOINC ConceptMap

LOINC Region Imaged ValueSet

. Proposed ValueSet
Proposed Title LOINC Region Imaged
Proposed Description The LOINC Region Imaged value set contains values that may be used to represent the region imaged during a procedure, as defined in the LOINC/RSNA Radiology Playblook User Guide (
Proposed URL
LP199977-2 Head
LP199995-4 Neck
LP199962-4 Chest
LP199961-6 Breast
LP199956-6 Abdomen
LP199998-8 Pelvis
LP121777-9 Extremity
LP200031-5 Upper extremity
LP199985-5 Lower extremity
LP200036-4 Whole body
LP213584-8 XXX

Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to LOINC Region Imaged ConceptMap

. Proposed ConceptMap
Proposed Title Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to LOINC Region Imaged
Proposed Description The Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to LOINC Region Imaged concept map defines relationships from the concepts in the Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set to the concepts in the LOINC Region Imaged value set.
Proposed URL
Source: Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest ValueSet Equivalence Target: LOINC Region Imaged ValueSet
69536005 Head structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP199977-2 Head
45048000 Neck structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP199995-4 Neck
51185008 Thoracic structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP199962-4 Chest
80891009 Heart structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target LP199962-4 Chest
76752008 Breast structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP199961-6 Breast
818983003 Abdomen R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP199956-6 Abdomen
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP199998-8 Pelvis
53120007 Upper limb structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP200031-5 Upper extremity
53120007 Upper limb structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target LP121777-9 Extremity
61685007 Lower limb structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP199985-5 Lower extremity
61685007 Lower limb structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target LP121777-9 Extremity
122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column R4: unmatched; R5: ?
122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column R4: unmatched; R5: ?
122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column R4: unmatched; R5: ?
38266002 Entire body as a whole R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent LP200036-4 Whole body

LOINC Region Imaged to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest ConceptMap

. Proposed ConceptMap
Proposed Title LOINC Region Imaged to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest
Proposed Description The LOINC Region Imaged to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest concept map defines relationships from the concepts in the LOINC Region Imaged value set to the concepts in the Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set.
Proposed URL imaging-anat-region-1
Source: LOINC Region Imaged ValueSet Equivalence Target: Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest ValueSet
LP199977-2 Head R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 69536005 Head structure
LP199995-4 Neck R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 45048000 Neck structure
LP199962-4 Chest R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 51185008 Thoracic structure
LP199962-4 Chest R4: narrower; R5: source-is-broader-than-target 80891009 Heart structure
LP199961-6 Breast R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 76752008 Breast structure
LP199956-6 Abdomen R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 818983003 Abdomen
LP199998-8 Pelvis R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 12921003 Structure of pelvis
LP121777-9 Extremity R4: narrower; R5: source-is-broader-than-target 53120007 Upper limb structure
LP121777-9 Extremity R4: narrower; R5: source-is-broader-than-target 61685007 Lower limb structure
LP200031-5 Upper extremity R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 53120007 Upper limb structure
LP199985-5 Lower extremity R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 61685007 Lower limb structure
LP200036-4 Whole body R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 38266002 Entire body as a whole
LP213584-8 XXX R4: unmatched; R5: ?
jaymeemurdoch commented 3 years ago

DICOM ConceptMap

DICOM Controlled Terminology CodeSystem

. Proposed CodeSystem
Proposed Title DICOM Controlled Terminology
Proposed Description The DICOM Controlled Terminology code system defines concepts that are utilised by the DICOM standard for medical images and related information.
Proposed URL
Composition All codes as defined at

DICOM Common Anatomic Regions ValueSet

. Proposed ValueSet
Proposed Title DICOM Common Anatomic Regions
Proposed Description The DICOM Common Anatomic Regions value set contains values that may be used to represent the anatomic region imaged during a procedure, as defined in CID 4031.
Proposed URL
Composition All SCT codes as defined in CID 4031 Common Anatomic Regions + 113681 as defined in DICOM CodeSystem (

Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to DICOM Common Anatomic Regions

. Proposed ConceptMap
Proposed Title Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to DICOM Common Anatomic Regions
Proposed Description The Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest to DICOM Common Anatomic Regions concept map defines relationships from the concepts in the Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set to the concepts in the DICOM Common Anatomic Regions value set.
Proposed URL
Source: Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest ValueSet Equivalence Target: DICOM Common Anatomic Regions
69536005 Structure of head R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 69536005 Structure of head
69536005 Structure of head R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 774007 Structure of head and/or neck
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 81745001 Eye structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 371398005 Eye region structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 91397008 Bone structure of face
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 661005 Jaw region structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 91609006 Bone structure of mandible
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 59066005 Mastoid structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 70925003 Bone structure of maxilla
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 74386004 Nasal bone structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 55024004 Optic canal structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 363654007 Structure of orbit proper
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 42575006 Structure of pituitary fossa
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 53620006 Temporomandibular joint structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 110517009 Vertebral column and cranium, CS
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 361078006 Area of internal auditory canal
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 54019009 Submandibular salivary apparatus
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 89546000 Bone structure of cranium
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 13881006 Zygomatic bone structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 2095001 Nasal sinus structure
69536005 Structure of head R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 45289007 Parotid gland structure
45048000 Neck structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 45048000 Neck structure
45048000 Neck structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 417437006 Neck and chest
45048000 Neck structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416152001 Neck, chest and abdomen
45048000 Neck structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416319003 Neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis
45048000 Neck structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 774007 Structure of head and/or neck
45048000 Neck structure R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 4596009 Laryngeal structure
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 816094009 Structure of thoracic cross-sectional segment of trunk (DICOM display ‘Chest’)
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416550000 Chest and abdomen
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416775004 Chest, abdomen and pelvis
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 417437006 Neck and chest
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416152001 Neck, chest and abdomen
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416319003 Neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 86598002 Structure of apex of lung
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 76752008 Structure of breast
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 955009 Bronchial structure
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 51299004 Bone structure of clavicle
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 32849002 Oesophageal structure
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 72410000 Mediastinal structure
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 113197003 Bone structure of rib
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 79601000 Bone structure of scapula
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 16982005 Shoulder region structure
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 7844006 Sternoclavicular joint structure
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 56873002 Bone structure of sternum
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 44567001 Tracheal structure
51185008 Structure of thorax R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 85856004 Acromioclavicular joint structure
80891009 Heart structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 80891009 Heart structure
76752008 Breast structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 76752008 Breast structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 818981001 Structure of abdominal cross-sectional segment of trunk (DICOM display ‘Abdomen’)
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 818982008 Abdominopelvic cross-sectional segment (DICOM display ‘Abdomen and Pelvis’)
818983003 Abdomen R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416550000 Chest and abdomen
818983003 Abdomen R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416775004 Chest, abdomen, and pelvis
818983003 Abdomen R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416152001 Neck, chest and abdomen
818983003 Abdomen R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416319003 Neck, chest abdomen, and pelvis
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 28273000 Bile duct structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 34707002 Biliary tract structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 89837001 Urinary bladder structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 79741001 Common bile duct structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 38848004 Duodenal structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 34516001 Ileal structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 21306003 Jejunal structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 14742008 Structure of large intestine
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 303270005 Liver and/or biliary structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 15776009 Pancreatic structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 110621006 Pancreatic duct and bile duct systems, CS
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 69930009 Pancreatic duct structure
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 30315005 Structure of small intestine
818983003 Abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 69695003 Structure of stomach
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 816092008 Structure of pelvic cross-sectional segment of trunk (DICOM display ‘Pelvis’)
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416631005 Pelvis and/or Structure of lower limb
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 818982008 Abdominopelvic cross-sectional segment (DICOM display ‘Abdomen and Pelvis’)
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than- 416775004 Chest, abdomen, and pelvis
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416775004 Chest, abdomen, and pelvis
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 53505006 Anal structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 64688005 Bone structure of coccyx
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 71854001 Colon structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 29836001 Hip region structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 24136001 Hip joint structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 41216001 Prostatic structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 34402009 Rectum structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 39723000 Sacroiliac joint structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 54735007 Bone structure of sacrum
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 431491007 Structure of upper urinary tract proper
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 87953007 Ureteric structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 13648007 Urethral structure
12921003 Structure of pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 110639002 Uterus and fallopian tubes, CS
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 53120007 Structure of upper limb
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 40983000 Structure of upper extremity between shoulder and elbow
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 371195002 Bone structure of upper limb
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 30608006 Skeletal muscle structure of upper limb
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 16953009 Elbow joint structure
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 66019005 Limb structure (DICOM display ‘Extremity’)
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 7569003 Finger structure
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 14975008 Forearm structure
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 85562004 Hand structure
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 85050009 Bone structure of humerus
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 76505004 Thumb structure
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 74670003 Structure of radiocarpal joint
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 61685007 Structure of lower limb
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 30021000 Structure of lower extremity from knee to ankle
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 102292000 Skeletal muscle structure of lower limb
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 416631005 Pelvis and/or Structure of lower limb
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 72001000 Bone structure of lower limb
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 70258002 Ankle joint structure
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 66019005 Extremity
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 71341001 Bone structure of femur
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 87342007 Bone structure of fibula
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 56459004 Foot structure
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 72696002 Knee region structure
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 64234005 Bone structure of patella
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 58742003 Structure of sesamoid bone of foot
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 27949001 Intertarsal joint structure
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 68367000 Structure of thigh
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 29707007 Toe structure
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 80144004 Bone structure of calcaneum
122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column
122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 297171002 Cervicothoracic region of spine structure
122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 110517009 Vertebral column and cranium, CS
122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 421060004 Structure of vertebral column
122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column
122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 297172009 Thoracolumbar region of spine
122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 297171002 Cervicothoracic region of spine structure
122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 421060004 Structure of vertebral column
122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column
122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 297173004 Lumbosacral region of spine structure
122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 297172009 Thoracolumbar region of spine
122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 421060004 Structure of vertebral column
38266002 Entire body as a whole R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 38266002 Entire body as a whole

DICOM Common Anatomic Regions to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest

. Proposed ConceptMap
Proposed Title DICOM Common Anatomic Regions to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest
Proposed Description The DICOM Common Anatomic Regions to Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest concept map defines relationships from the concepts in the DICOM Common Anatomic Regions value set to the concepts in the Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest value set.
Proposed URL
Source: DICOM Common Anatomic Regions Equivalence Target: Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest ValueSet
818981001 Structure of abdominal cross-sectional segment of trunk R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
85856004 Acromioclavicular joint structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
70258002 Ankle joint structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
53505006 Anal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
86598002 Structure of apex of lung R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
28273000 Bile duct structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Abdomen
34707002 Biliary tract structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Abdomen
89837001 Urinary bladder structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
72001000 Bone structure of lower limb R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
371195002 Bone structure of upper limb R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
76752008 Breast structure R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 76752008 Breast structure
955009 Bronchial structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
80144004 Bone structure of calcaneum R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column
297171002 Cervicothoracic region of spine structure R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column
816094009 Structure of thoracic cross-sectional segment of trunk R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
416550000 Chest and abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
416550000 Chest and abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
416775004 Chest, abdomen and pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
416775004 Chest, abdomen and pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
416775004 Chest, abdomen and pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
51299004 Bone structure of clavicle R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
64688005 Bone structure of coccyx R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
71854001 Colon structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
79741001 Common bile duct structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
38848004 Duodenal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
16953009 Elbow joint structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
38266002 Entire body as a whole R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 38266002 Entire body as a whole
32849002 Oesophageal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
110861005 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, CS R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
110861005 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, CS R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
66019005 Limb structure R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
66019005 Limb structure R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
81745001 Eye structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
371398005 Eye region structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
91397008 Bone structure of face R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
71341001 Bone structure of femur R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
87342007 Bone structure of fibula R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
7569003 Finger structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
56459004 Foot structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
14975008 Forearm structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
28231008 Gallbladder structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
85562004 Hand structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
69536005 Structure of head R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 69536005 Structure of head
774007 Structure of head and/or neck R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
80891009 Structure of heart R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 80891009 Structure of heart
29836001 Hip region structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
24136001 Hip joint structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
85050009 Bone structure of humerus R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
34516001 Ileal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
22356005 Bone structure of ilium R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
361078006 Area of internal auditory canal R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
661005 Jaw region structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
21306003 Jejunal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
72696002 Knee region structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
14742008 Structure of large intestine R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
4596009 Laryngeal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 45048000 Neck structure
303270005 Liver and/or biliary structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
30021000 Structure of lower extremity from knee to ankle R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
61685007 Structure of lower limb R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 61685007 Structure of lower limb
122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column
297173004 Lumbosacral region of spine R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column
91609006 Bone structure of mandible R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
59066005 Mastoid structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
70925003 Bone structure of maxilla R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
72410000 Mediastinal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
102292000 Skeletal muscle structure of lower limb R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
30608006 Skeletal muscle structure of upper limb R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
74386004 Nasal bone structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
45048000 Structure of neck R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 45048000 Structure of neck
417437006 Neck and chest R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 45048000 Structure of neck
417437006 Neck and chest R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
416152001 Neck, chest and abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 45048000 Structure of neck
416152001 Neck, chest and abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
416152001 Neck, chest and abdomen R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
416319003 Neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 45048000 Structure of neck
416319003 Neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
416319003 Neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
416319003 Neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
55024004 Optic canal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
363654007 Structure of orbit proper R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
15776009 Pancreatic structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
69930009 Pancreatic duct structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
110621006 Pancreatic duct and bile duct systems, CS R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
2095001 Nasal sinus structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
45289007 Parotid gland structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
64234005 Bone structure of patella R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
816092008 Structure of pelvic cross-sectional segment of trunk R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
416631005 Pelvis and/or Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
416631005 Pelvis and/or Structure of lower limb R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
113681 Phantom R4: unmatched; R5: ?
41216001 Prostatic structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
34402009 Rectum structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
113197003 Bone structure of rib R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
297174005 Sacrococcygeal region of spine structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
39723000 Sacroiliac joint structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
54735007 Bone structure of sacrum R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
79601000 Bone structure of scapula R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
42575006 Structure of pituitary fossa R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
58742003 Structure of sesamoid bone of foot R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
16982005 Shoulder region structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
89546000 Bone structure of cranium R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
30315005 Structure of small intestine R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
421060004 Structure of vertebral column R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column
421060004 Structure of vertebral column R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column
421060004 Structure of vertebral column R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column
7844006 Sternoclavicular joint structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
56873002 Bone structure of sternum R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
69695003 Structure of stomach R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 818983003 Structure of abdomen
54019009 Submandibular salivary apparatus R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
27949001 Intertarsal joint structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
53620006 Temporomandibular joint structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
68367000 Structure of thigh R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column
297172009 Thoracolumbar region of spine structure R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column
297172009 Thoracolumbar region of spine structure R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column
76505004 Thumb structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
29707007 Toe structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 61685007 Structure of lower limb
44567001 Tracheal structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 51185008 Structure of thorax
40983000 Structure of upper extremity between shoulder and elbow R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target Structure of upper limb
53120007 Structure of upper limb R4: equivalent; R5: equivalent 53120007 Structure of upper limb
431491007 Structure of upper urinary tract proper R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
87953007 Ureteric structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
13648007 Urethral structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
110639002 Uterus and fallopian tubes, CS R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 12921003 Structure of pelvis
110517009 Vertebral column and cranium, CS R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122494005 Structure of cervical vertebral column
110517009 Vertebral column and cranium, CS R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122495006 Structure of thoracic vertebral column
110517009 Vertebral column and cranium, CS R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 122496007 Structure of lumbar vertebral column
110517009 Vertebral column and cranium, CS R4: narrower; R5: source-is-wider-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
74670003 Structure of radiocarpal joint R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 53120007 Structure of upper limb
13881006 Zygomatic bone structure R4: wider; R5: source-is-narrower-than-target 69536005 Structure of head
dtr-agency commented 2 years ago

@davidmckillop - what is the hold up on these? What is needed to progress into FTRs?

davidmckillop commented 2 years ago

@dtr-agency The FTR (FTR-1223) to create a "ValueSet - Imaging Anatomic Region of Interest" has been done with the valueset available at

The conceptMaps to/from the existing NCTS valueset and the new valueset for FHIR R4 have been done and are available at:; and The conceptMaps to/from the existing NCTS valueset and the new valueset for FHIR R5 have been designed and are in the status of "TO DO" with the Agency terminology team. Although the conceptMaps for LOINC and RadLex have been proposed it was decided to await community request/interest in these conceptMaps before creating them.

Hence, the only outstanding items for this ticket are the "TO DO" R5 conceptMaps ( FTR-1238 & FTR-1239).