AuDigitalHealth / ci-fhir-r4

Working drafts of HL7™ FHIR® Release 4 (R4) artefacts authored and maintained by the Informatics Architecture team at the Australian Digital Health Agency.
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Define exchange of patient's registered GP practice and practitioner - MyGP #152

Open dtr-agency opened 1 year ago

dtr-agency commented 1 year ago


The feature

Define representation of registration information from MyGP - Medicare / DVA healthcare recipients voluntary registration of their regular General Practice. Support exchange GP practice registration information for a patient from MyGP for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

What it actually enables people to do




How awesome would it be?




Additional context

dtr-agency commented 1 year ago

Preliminary MyGP FHIR R4 payload design overview

The MyGP GP practice registration data is to be sent in a FHIR Bundle of type collection. This bundle is constructed as follows:

Future enhancement support:

Figure 1. MyGP GP practice registration data Set FHIR Bundle structure


Profiles that make up MyGP Registered Practice Information:

  1. ADHA Payload Bundle
  2. ADHA GP Practice Registration Entry
  3. ADHA Core Patient
  4. ADHA Core Organization

Data Mapping

Data Item Cardinality Target FHIR Element
Registration Start date 1..1 EpisodeOfCare.period.start
Registered GP Practice Name 1..1
Practice Address 1..1 Organization.address
Preferred GP name 0..1 Patient.generalPractitioner.display

Additional items of interest to the Agency that can be supported but are not in current scope of VPR.

Data Item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
GP Practice HPI-O TBD Organization.identifier Shall conform to the profile AU HPI-O
GP Practice phone number TBD Organization.telecom  

Bundle samples – demonstrate detailed implementation requirements

Examples are starting as maximal to help guide implementation, and have additional items of interest that can be removed as scope of implementation is clarified:

Scenario Links
GP practice only Narrative | XML | JSON
GP practice & practitioner name registered Narrative | XML | JSON
History - current registration and historical registration Narrative | XML | JSON
dtr-agency commented 1 year ago

To do

Resource type To dos
Bundle Unclear on the need for Bundle.identifier to support current architecture requirements for a document id - to be determined. Query architect. Query need for timestamp to be mandatory - my view is that this is critical metadata for currency and should be made mandatory. Query @oridashi & architect.
EpisodeOfCare Profile supports current and historical - reflects current CDT discussions.  If support for historical is to be removed the following actions are required: Remove inv-dh-epoc-03 Remove inv-dh-epoc-04 Place a fixed value constraint on EpisodeOfCare to be 'active' Prohibit EpisodeOfCare.period.end Make the necessary informative material updates incl examples
Organization None.
Patient None. Note1: A complete core Patient resource with identifier, name, gender, birthdate is required to be returned by Services Australia in the Bundle - necessary patient matching and identification data. Note2: practitioner name is to be implemented as Patient.generalPractitioner.display with Patient.generalPractitioner.type=PractitionerRole
Other getDocument needs type code | class code definition. To be defined in NCTIS Data Components code system. Current thinking is "Patient GP Registration Information" or "MyGP Registered Practice Information". @dbojicic-agency  to progress concept design and implementation of record type & class with Terminology team Concept, ensuring that all change proposals for the NCTIS Data Components code system go through the CI - NCTIS Data Components JIRA project and governance process – and if needed OID registration for record type.
dtr-agency commented 1 year ago

Out of FHIR Architect review 14 Oct:

  1. Bundle.timestamp now mandatory
  2. EpisodeOfCare.period.start now mandatory
dtr-agency commented 1 year ago

CDT design walkthrough held 17 Oct:

  1. Confirmed no requirement for Bundle.identifier
  2. Confirmed support for Bundle.timestamp
  3. Clarification provided that only current and not historical to be supported - action on @dtr-agency to update EpisodeOfCare profile to reflect this scope
  4. Clarification that IHI verification information not required

Changes have been made via

Notes on design of historical entry that can be supported (but is in current scope of VPR) Some discussion in CDT that historical entries would be of interest. The below sample shows how this could be supported with a current entry and historical entry.

Scenario Links
History - current registration and historical registration Narrative | XML | JSON

In support of a historical entry the profile ADHA GP Practice Registration Entry would need a minor update to:

  1. Remove the fixed value constraint on EpisodeOfCare.status and replace with invariant e.g. inv-dh-epoc-04 
        <key value="inv-dh-epoc-03"/>
        <severity value="error"/>
        <human value="status shall be active or finished"/>
        <expression value="(status='active') or (status='finished')"/>
        <xpath value="(f:status/@value = 'active') or (f:status/@value = 'finished')"/>
        <source value=""/>
  2. Make informative update to EpisodeOfCare.status short and comment
  3. Make informative update to EpisodeOfCare.period short and comment
dtr-agency commented 1 year ago

Delivery partner (NIO, Services Australia, Deloitte) design walkthrough held 18 Oct: no changes out of this walkthrough.

dtr-agency commented 1 year ago

VPR: release of ADHA FHIR NPM package v1.1.0-qa-preview1 for assurance

An initial submission of the Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR implementation guide v1.1.0 for internal and external assurance.

In addition to the attachments on collaborate, a temporary web version of the implementation guide is available from for the next 30 days.

Internal testing is being undertaken via AN-533, peer review via AN-534, internal and external assurance via the collaborate page.

Changes from v1.0.0 and v1.1.0-qa-preview2 :

ADHA FHIR IG & NPM package The ADHA FHIR implementation guide defines profiles that may be used by systems to represent clinical information in the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

Each profile defines the FHIR structures required, the data element definitions, their associated rules of usage including the use of extensions and terminology, and references the additional profiles necessary to assert conformance.

The FHIR profiles are also published in a FHIR NPM package for use with FHIR and FHIR-aware tools. The package contains the validation form (JSON + SCH) of the conformance artefacts (i.e. StructureDefinitions) for direct use in validation operations and example resource instances that demonstrate use cases and conformance requirements.

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

Proposed type code | class code

Terminology NCTIS Data Components
Reason New concept
Concept arc Data Components (101) > Structured Documents (100) OID Sub-Register
Concept 100.32048
Suggested Display MyGP Registered Practice Information
Detailed Description A record of information for an individual about their usual General Practitioner (GP) and GP practice registered with the MyGP system.
Business Reason for Request To support the current work plan initiative: Voluntary Patient Registration VPR (myGP)

Concepts reviewed and approved by Terminology Analyst, Lead Clinical Information Modeller, Clinical Information Modeller. Feedback opportunity provided to Product Owner, Business Analyst, Solution Architect - no feedback provided. Documentation available on internal ADHA JIRA CI - NCTIS Data Components DATA-281.

Publication in NCTIS Data Components scheduled for February 2023. Publication will be managed by internal ADHA JIRA FHIR Terminology Request FTR-1623.

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

VPR: release of ADHA FHIR NPM package v1.1.0-qa-preview2 for assurance

Feedback raised during the assurance period from internal testing and CI SME design review. Temporary web version of the implementation guide was available from

Changes include:

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

VPR: release of ADHA FHIR NPM package v1.1.0-qa-preview3 for assurance

The Agency branding and style changes and the change of the implementation guide copyright year to 2023 for the completion of assurance activities.

In addition to the attachments on collaborate, a temporary web version of the implementation guide is available from for the next 30 days.

Internal testing is being undertaken via AN-533, peer review via AN-534, internal and external assurance via the collaborate page.

Changes from 1.1.0-qa-preview3 :

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

Concept 100.32048 MyGP Registered Practice Information has now been made available in the February update to the NCTIS Data Components code system via the National Clinical Terminology Service.

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

There is a requirement to update VPR (MyGP) FHIR design to provide for success, failure or informative responses:

API outcome Response
Success (i.e. no functional or technical errors); Patient is actively registered for MyGP with Services Australia The patient’s MyGP practice registration information – i.e. Practice name, Practice address, Preferred GP (if provided), Registration start date (for MyGP)
Success (i.e. no functional or technical errors); Patient is not actively registered for MyGP An informational message stating that the patient is not actively registered for MyGP
Functional error (a list to be specified); e.g. where Services Australia do not have an active MHR registration An informational message including the relevant error code and perhaps a short description of the error.
Technical error ( a list to be specified) An informational message containing the relevant error code and perhaps a short description.
dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

MyGP FHIR R4 payload design overview - providing for success, failure or informative responses

If the outcome of the operation to retrieve the MyGP GP practice registration data is successful, i.e. patient is currently registered for MyGP, the MyGP GP practice registration data is to be sent in a FHIR Bundle. Please refer to Preliminary MyGP FHIR R4 payload design overview above.

If the outcome of the operation to retrieve the MyGP GP practice registration data is successful but there is no data data to be returned (i.e. patient is not currently registered for MyGP) or an error, an OperationOutcome resource that conforms to ADHA Core OperationOutcome is sent as a direct response.

Figure 1. Overview of VPR (MyGP) interactions
MyGP interractions

OperationOutcome samples Scenario Links
Patient not registered for MyGP Narrative | XML | JSON
MyGP functional error Narrative | XML | JSON
Technical error Narrative | XML | JSON
dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

Delivery partner (Services Australia, Deloitte) design walk-through held 24 Feb: no changes out of this walk-through.

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

VPR: release of ADHA FHIR NPM package v1.1.0-qa-preview5 for assurance

An updated submission of the Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR implementation guide v1.1.0 for internal and external assurance. This submission includes support for informational and error messages exchange.

Internal testing is being undertaken via AN-533, peer review via AN-534, internal and external assurance via the collaborate page.

Changes from v1.1.0-qa-preview4 and v1.1.0-qa-preview5:

Changes from internal assurance between v1.1.0-qa-preview4 and v1.1.0-qa-preview5:

ADHA profiles amended:

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

VPR: release of ADHA FHIR NPM package v1.1.0-qa-preview6 for assurance

This version incorporates changes for the feedback raised from internal testing and IA SME design review and implements the tooling patch for the examples display.

The package and implementation guide are available from:

Changes from internal assurance between v1.1.0-qa-preview5 and v1.1.0-qa-preview6:

ADHA profiles amended

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

Department of Health announced the new name for 'MyGP' to 'MyMedicare' in early May 2023. Agency project team together with NIO, Deloitte and other delivery partners decided to incorporate name change into the project including all conformance and informative artefacts that define the FHIR payload from Services Australia and are used by the MHR backend.

**type code class code update** NCTIS Data Components code system concept 100.32048 MyGP Registered Practice Information to be updated: concept old concept name synonym old definition new concept name new definition
100.32048 MyGP Registered Practice Information A record of information for an individual about their usual General Practitioner (GP) and GP practice registered with the MyGP system. MyMedicare Registered Practice Information A record of information for an individual about their usual General Practitioner (GP) and GP practice registered with the MyMedicare system.

Code system update is requested via

dbojicic-agency commented 1 year ago

VPR: release of ADHA FHIR NPM package v1.1.0-qa-preview8 for assurance

The package and implementation guide are available from:

Changes from internal assurance between v1.1.0-qa-preview7 and v1.1.0-qa-preview8:

ADHA profiles amended:

dbojicic-agency commented 9 months ago

Release readiness and regression testing AN-533 completed with no issues. Publication readiness review AN-625 completed with informative documentation updates now complete.

Now progressing to publication in the Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide v1.1.0.