when using fnlDomainWarp2D(state, x, y); on any warp fractal settings, similar errors are generated from the warp fractal functions:
variable 'xr' used without having been completely initialized
variable 'yr' used without having been completely initialized
and other similar ones, depending on the warp fractal algorithm being used.
when using fnlDomainWarp2D(state, x, y); on any warp fractal settings, similar errors are generated from the warp fractal functions: variable 'xr' used without having been completely initialized variable 'yr' used without having been completely initialized
and other similar ones, depending on the warp fractal algorithm being used.
test code: (compute shader in Unity)
pragma kernel CSMain
include "Assets/FastNoiseLite.cginc"
RWStructuredBuffer Result;
[numthreads(64,1,1)] void CSMain (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) { fnl_state noiseA = fnlCreateState(1212); fnl_state noise = fnlCreateState(1212); noise.fractal_type = 1; noiseA.fractal_type = 4;