Aust1n46 / VentureChat

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[Bug] VentureChat cancels other Plugins Events #51

Open MisterCookie1234 opened 1 year ago

MisterCookie1234 commented 1 year ago

Hello. VentureChat seems to cancel a ChatEvent from another Plugin. Any way to fix this? The Plugin itself wants a chat input for inviting players to the group but if we enter the playername (only the player name without command) it doesn't work. Without VentureChat it seems to work fine.

Aust1n46 commented 1 year ago

Read the documentation:

EventPriority is probably being used wrong. VentureChat listens at Highest.

MisterCookie1234 commented 1 year ago

The Dungeon Plugin runs on "Lowest" which should mean in theory that it executes first, or no?

Aust1n46 commented 1 year ago

Lowest should work if it is indeed configured that way. If you link the source, I can look at it myself.

MisterCookie1234 commented 1 year ago

Hej! Its unfortunately a paid Resource: The Plugin Dev thinks it might be since they use the Paper AsyncChatEvent and this seems to get cancelled by VentureChat. The DungeonGenerator is indeed running on Lowest:

23:06:00 INFO: Debug Results for event AsyncChatEvent and priority LOWEST:

23:06:00 INFO: - info.alienlabs.dungeon.generator.d.b.c debug-event LOW io.papermc.paper.event.player.AsyncChatEvent

Aust1n46 commented 1 year ago

I don't know what to tell you then. I use only backwards compatible events for full Spigot compatibility.

I have not tested the paper specific chat event to see how and when it is fired.