AutoActuary / app-builder

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Clean up legacy stuff (application-full.bat as start) #7

Open heetbeet opened 3 years ago

heetbeet commented 3 years ago

Our entry points is completely outdated and still taken from the legacy batch implementation

Invalid commandline arguments, see usage...
Usage: application-full [Options]
  -h, --help             Print these options
  -p, --get-python       Download and extract python to bin/python
  -d, --get-dependencies Ensure all the dependencies are set up properly
  -b, --branch-excel <file> <branch>
  -l, --local-release [--build-script <script> [args...]]
  -g, --github-release [--build-script <script> [args...]]
  -i, --create-inputs-installer       Create inputs version control installer
  --update-inputs-tables [Options]    Run sub script and pass options
  --extract-inputs-tables [Options]   Run sub script and pass options

See and

  1. Implement entry with click
  2. Remove -p, -b, -i, --update..., --extract... since they are not longer bundled with app-builder