AutoElevate / roadmap

This is the public roadmap for AutoElevate by CyberFOX.
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Create groups/tags of companies/locations/computers #27

Open dsibiski opened 1 year ago

dsibiski commented 1 year ago

From feature request:

"Our company splits our clients up among internal teams. It would be great if we could create a group of companies and then assign that group to an AutoElevate user rather than having to go through and assign each company one by one to the user."

"Another option might be to create tags that can be added to companies or locations. You could then grant access to the tag instead of a company. This could allow you to have companies in multiple groups as well."

From another feature request:

"It would be helpful to have groups so that we can assign a number of computers to that group, then scope a rule to that group."

"This would be helpful where we might have a number of machines across multiple locations that need specific rule and we don't want that applied across all locations, but we also don't want to create 20+ individual rules. Ideally, computers can belong to multiple groups."

Additional votes: 12