AutoRally / autorally

Software for the AutoRally platform
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Constant Speed Controller Not Working #100

Closed bz815 closed 2 years ago

bz815 commented 2 years ago


Thanks for sharing this work. I try to implement this in Gazebo. I have everything works fine until launching the waypoint follower and the constant speed controller. I am able to control the car with joystick and the runstop topic is enabled. I launched the waypoint follower and the constant speed controller, and I followed the instruction to publish a speed of 3m/s at 10 Hz using rqt publisher. However, the car went straight to the barrier without obvious turning.

I believe that the starting position of the car is at the spawn position, since I didn't move it. Could you please let me know what can be possibly wrong? Is it possible that the waypoints are not correct?

Thank you so much.