Autodesk-Forge / forge-configurator-inventor

[DEPRECATED] Demo for Autodesk Forge Design Automation for Inventor
MIT License
44 stars 34 forks source link

Update readme #404

Closed adamenagy closed 3 years ago

adamenagy commented 3 years ago

Update readme to provide all the steps necessary to follow when running the app for the first time in a single section with pictures

erymski commented 3 years ago

Thumbs.db is a system file. Let's remove it.

// as a related note - it would be better to have JPEGs because of smaller file size, but it's NBD

adamenagy commented 3 years ago

Thumbs.db is a system file. Let's remove it.

// as a related note - it would be better to have JPEGs because of smaller file size, but it's NBD

Sure. Got added by accident 😬