AvaloniaUI / Avalonia.Samples

Avalonia.Samples aims to provide some minimal samples focusing on a particular issue at a time. This should help getting new users started.
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Remove misogyny from "Commands" sample #49

Closed joeld42 closed 1 year ago

joeld42 commented 1 year ago

Not a request for a new sample but I found the casual misogyny in the "Commands" sample to be very off-putting, and this could cause developers to avoid Avalonia, or form an opinion of the people behind it as chauvinistic and behind the times.

It's not outright offensive, but it's just cringey and not funny. The tutorial is full of this kind of stuff:

"Baking a cake can take long time and we will have to wait for it. While our wife is working for us, we can do other stuff like watching football."

Also just the idea of a topic about "Commands" and theming it to be about commanding "your wife" is just really gross.

There's no shortage of silly but innocuous things this could be about instead. I can offer a suggestion of "commanding" a robot HAL to "open the pod bay doors" and HAL refusing as a nod to the famous scene from 2001 A Space Oddessy, and then having HAL comply with a robot name instead of your friend. Obviously the technical content does not need to change, just the text and the tutorial documentation.

I would be happy to submit a PR with this change if you'd like, but I didn't want to just lead with that in case it was presumptuous. I am an outsider to the Avalonia community so I don't want to project my values onto your community, if you really like the "wife command" tutorial i'll just move along.


MikeCodesDotNET commented 1 year ago

Please submit a PR. This is the first I’m seeing this and it has no place in our repos. Thank you for highlighting it.

timunie commented 1 year ago

Hi @joeld42 ,

thank you for pointing that out 👍 . While writing the tutorial I probably didn't thought well enough about how that will sound to others. It was just that during that time someone baked a cake and I thought I could use it for the sample.

I fully agree to change the text now, so feel free to provide a PR. If you don't have the time please ping me and I'll do.