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Proposals for DApp ideas for the Aventus Protocol DApp Idea Competition
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STIX: an social event platform creating value for event visitors, organizers ánd Aventus #10

Open Dexter37NL opened 6 years ago

Dexter37NL commented 6 years ago

Ether-adress: 0xFA2333F1c794fbb84C6921d71fC36659caEC3197

Event visitors want to feel connected. An event is all about experiencing it with other people. About interacting. With friends, but also strangers. The experience before and after an event is at least as important as the event itself.

At the same time, event organizers want to sell tickets as much and as fast as possible and offer their visitors an experience that will make them return. Therefore it is important that they make the right offer to the right person.

STIX brings together these two worlds. STIX is a social event platform where visitors of events get to know each other in advance of the event and share experiences afterwards. At the same time, STIX offers event organizers the opportunity to advertise their tickets to targeted audiences and provide additional services based on profiles and behavior.

By linking this data to the Aventus blockchain, organizers will be able to target the right visitors directly from Aventus and sell their tickets and additional services on the basis of Big Data. This creates added value for several parties:

Which problem is being solved by STIX?

People do not just go to events just because of the event itself. The social aspect plays at least an equal role [1]. That social aspect begins before the event has started and ends only days after the event. It is odd that only major social media websites facilitate the visitors of these events in their experience. But these websites are not tailored on events and therefore there is not much room for the event organisor to add an additional experience to an event visit. An experience that will make visitors return.

On the other hand, event organizers want to sell their tickets as quickly as possible. Due to the increasing number of events, it is becoming increasingly difficult to sell enough tickets. [2] There is a huge need for data to offer events targeted at people who are also really interested in these events. At the moment, these advertising services are very expensive and seldom suitable for event organisers.

STIX brings together these two needs on a platform aimed at creating an additional experience, and the data that it provides can be used to allow event organizers to sell targeted tickets through Aventus's infrastructure.

What is the solution?

STIX is an online social platform for event visitors. The platform brings together visitors of future events. At the same time, the platform offers all sorts of benefits that fit a social platform for events. Visitors can win meet & greets, free tickets and they can see who else goes to an event and interact with them before, during and afterwards. Visitors create their own profile and build up a set of data through the interactions they have with others and events. That dataset is linked to the Aventus blockchain. Ticket providers can indicate whether they want to use STIX when designing and selling tickets through the Aventus infrastructure. If they do so, STIX will offer those tickets to visitors who meet the profile that belongs to the event. At the same time companies that offer additional services like merchandise or taxi services will be able to offer these at STIX to the visitors of events.

How does STIX work?

For visitors to events:

For event organizers:

In the scheme below, the operation is explained schematically. STIX will be available through smartphones, as well as desktops.


How does the Aventus Ecosystem benefit from this?

Aventus's ecosystem benefits in several ways from STIX:

What part of the ticketing lifecycle will STIX tackle?

One of the big strengths of the STIX platform is that it can be used by all parties throughout the complete lifecycle of the process of ticket sales. And it generates resales of newly initiated events. Both before, during, and after the event, STIX can be used to add an additional experience and value to an event visit. The valuable data that the interactions create can then be used to create a new event experience.

Who will use this solution?

Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning

In the marketing strategy for this service, we choose three target groups that we approach with different propositions. In the diagram below, this is further described. As you can see, we initially choose to connect the real fan to small and medium-sized events. Because they are the largest in numbers, we can create a large fanbase and thus value as quickly as possible.


What value is created?

There will be value created for four target groups:

How to secure growth?

The most important factor for the success of the platform is the growth in the number of visitors of events taking part in STIX. The interaction between them makes the platform to be alive and makes sure additional value for all parties is created. This attracts more visitors, generates data for the Aventus Blockchain, and makes the platform interesting for event organizers and providers of additional services. Although the platform by itself should be strong enough to generate lots of traffic, growth can be accelerated by a number of additional marketing activities:

The Roadmap

The STIX roadmap is based on a launch at the same time as the final version of Aventus in Q2 of 2018. The basic version of STIX aims to connect as many fans as possible to STIX as soon as possible. The first two years focus is primarily on technological development, then more on creating further growth. Because Aventus puts the fan at the core of its business goals, it is important that STIX's ownership will be more and more to the fans. The full roadmap can be found below.


What is the business model?

The Business Model has two ways of increasing earnings:

Below you can find the predicted budget for the next four years.


I assumed an annual resale of 35% of tickets among visitors to the platform. In addition, I assume there will be 15 providers of additional services with an average conversion of 5%. The growth of the platform is 300% per year. Which is calculated conversatively looking at the growth of emerging social platforms. Overhead costs won’t increase, because there already is an organisation built by Aventus and STIX will use this organisation.


Why should I create a profile on STIX? No one will just create a profile on STIX. Therefore, there must be valuable content. This content can be created by the event provider. He creates an event page where information about the event can be found. Buyers of tickets will want to register on this page. To meet eachother and chat about their upcoming experience. It is important to provide advantages that make it attractive for event visitors to become a member of an event-page. Think of exclusive meet&greets, merchandise and the opportunity to organize meetups for event-visitors.

Can this legally be done? I am convinced that what STIX does, is permitted. Provided this is stated in a good disclaimer. Of course, this must be checked with a lawyer.

Is it safe? Yes. The blockchain only stores usage data. The profile and data will only be linked to the STIX platform. As a result, the blockchain does never show exactly which person is behind which data.

Why should I not just use the usual social media sites? Of course there are many big social media sites where it is also possible to create event pages. However, STIX has a big advantage over those sites. STIX is specially built to support the experience of events. The user experience is therefore much larger than via other social media platforms via STIX. And because visiting events is al about experiences, STIX is in advantage.

Will the data generated by STIX also be available for other platforms? During the first months the generated data will only be available for STIX. The platform needs this unique data to grow fast. At a later date, data can also be made available to third parties, so that also at these platforms and systems tickets can be offered more targeted to interested event visitors.

How does STIX fit to the Aventus brand? Aventus and STIX are logical partners. Aventus is building a brand that makes ticket sales for fans a lot more transparent and fairer. In her communication, everything is about the fans. STIX wants to create an additional experience for those same fans. This is in line with Aventus's strategy and will therefore be a logical addition to its portfolio.

How about privacy Privacy of course is a major concern. First of all, using blockchain technology makes the usage of data completely transparant. So you can see who is using your data. On the other hand, STIX will have several privacy options, so that you can choose who can use which data. Our members are our first priority, so if you don't want STIX to share your data, STIX won't share your data. It's as simple as that. The bad thing about not sharing your data is that you will miss offers for events that you might be interested in.

What does STIX mean? STIX is a merger of Social Tickets (Social Tix).

Which theories is STIX based on? This STIX business plan is based on theories from Blue Ocean [3], Big Data [4] and the Platform Revolution [5].

Of course, I am always willing to answer questions about this plan. You can email your questions to rob@icoblog.nl and I will send you my answers as quick as possible. If you like this idea, I would appreciate it very much, if you would vote for it. This can be done at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DVdtzHpfoCoem6iRSz67Br3Cews1kTC5dnhzLbJlEx8. Just select the box named "Other" and then write STIX in the field beyond. Thank you for reading and voting.


[1] Why go to pop concerts? The motivations behind live music attendance - http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1029864916650719 [2] Aventus Whitepaper - https://aventus.io/doc/whitepaper.pdf [3] Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim, R. Mauborgne, 2015 [4] Big Data Marketing, Lisa Arthur [5] The Platform Revolution, G. Parker, M.W. van Alastyne, S.P. Choudary, 2016

annikamonari commented 6 years ago

This proposal has been approved.

GreenVA commented 6 years ago

Nice work! I like your idea.

Dexter37NL commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much. If you wish, you can vote for this idea at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DVdtzHpfoCoem6iRSz67Br3Cews1kTC5dnhzLbJlEx8. Just select the box named "Other" and then write STIX in the field beyond. I would very much appreciate that.