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Proposals for DApp ideas for the Aventus Protocol DApp Idea Competition
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MeetLocal - Local groups makes the biggest difference #32

Open hairyjoe opened 6 years ago

hairyjoe commented 6 years ago

Ethereum Address: 0x00295815e37EB33a27Bf4b7d1536c8af9E6AD8CE

Local groups makes the biggest difference.


MeetLocal aims to provide a platform where anyone can self-organize a local meetup - simply and easily, helping all sorts of local communities make their lives better, more fun and intimate.


Events, in general, are hard to organize. Local meetups are even harder to organize, becuse the organizer of local meetups may not have the tools and resources that large event organizers have. Local meetups are very popular and they are happening multiple times a day in every place around the world. Local groups are the biggest pie and yet, this space is often neglected from infrastructure and tooling perspective. Are you organizing a fundraiser for flood victims? Are you attending a local startup gathering? Do you go to book clubs? Do you sometimes play soccer in the weekend with your friends? It may sound easy as these things happen around us everyday. But if you have ever organized one of these events, they are not really easy to do. It is equally confusing if you are an attendee or thinking of attending one of these events. Where do you meet? Do you have to make a reservation? For how long? How many people? Who pays for the pizza? How do you keep in touch afterwards? These things happen currently over platforms like email, messenger groups, google groups, meetups, etc. Most of the solutions deal with the communication side of things only.


Welcome to MeetLocal! MeetLocal is the end to end solution for local meetups and is the easiest, most efficient and organized way to conduct and/attend local meetups. Simply put, MeetLocal is an app that allows meetup organizer to create a local and allows the meetup attendee to join and attend the meetup. But unlike other alternatives, MeetLocal will also help solve the funding and logistics side of meetups. MeetLocal makes use of the Aventus Services Layer. Organizer can create an event. Sponsors can sponsor the event through Aventus tokens. Each attendee contributes certain amount of tokens, and the organizer can use the tokens to fund the event. Event venues can provide venues for a given period for certain number of tokens. Some sponsor may even award each of its attendees with some tokens for attending the launch of their new product. As such, it brings organizer, attendees, sponsors and venue and any other stakeholder to the event together in a place making the meetup a much more complete and pleasant experience.

Usage of the Aventus Protocol and Overall Ecosystem

The Aventus protocol will provide the underlying infrastructure of this system to happen. MeetLocal will just leverage the aventus token system to manage the fund management. This has a potential to benefit the Aventus ecosystem by driving the demand of AVT and spreading its adoption though the largest demographic of users. MeetLocal would also use the Aventus services layer for Ethereum account management and payment processing (AVT/ETH to fiat conversions), as most of our target demographic will have minimal crypto experience and will thus need to pay in credit card.



Local communities are sticky, and meetups are usually recurring. This provides an excellent opportunity to monetize because MeetLocal can know its customers real well and serve better over time.MeetLocal has three major sources of revenue:

Customers and Acquisition Strategy

MeetLocal’s target demographic is huge. But it’s essential to focus on specific verticals in specific metro-cities in the beginning in order to iteratively refine the app and serve the users well.. Potential early candidates can be local communities that are in tech or education or sports that meet regularly. This is to ensure continuous feedback and make data-driven decisions. From there it can gradually grow to any and every community. Really, sky is the limit.

annikamonari commented 6 years ago

This proposal has been approved.