AxonFramework / AxonFramework

Framework for Evolutionary Message-Driven Microservices on the JVM
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Dark theme for document #3111

Open abccbaandy opened 1 month ago

abccbaandy commented 1 month ago

Enhancement Description

As title

Current Behaviour

No dark theme , only light theme

Wanted Behaviour

Dark theme

Possible Workarounds

Use dark mode chrome extension

smcvb commented 1 month ago

Thanks for adding this, @abccbaandy. Pretty confident this will be introduced eventually. However, as it stands, we still plan to do an entire UI/UX change over the documentation.

I think it's best we wait with a dark mode until that UI/UX change has passed. So, for the time being, your workaround is the quickest solution to get a dark mode on the docs.