AydinAdn / MediaToolkit

A .NET library to convert and process all your video & audio files.
MIT License
642 stars 199 forks source link
audio c-sharp cut cut-video dotnet dvd ffmpeg flv grab-thumbnail lgplv2 lgplv3 mp3 mp4 transcoding-options-flv video video-converter

Update 19/Feb/2020

There's breaking changes on the way, when MediaToolkit was initially developed it was meant to act as facade over the FFmpeg library, providing a simplified interface to perform the most basic tasks of converting media.

Since then, there's been demands for new features, demands for updates of the original FFmpeg executables, demands for custom code executions and with each new feature the original code base has been getting more bloated and difficult to maintain, the Engine class has turned into a god class essentially and there's no easy way for clients to plugin their own arguments without modifying the original code base, the new update aims to resolve all of that.

Changes going forwards:

You can track its progress in the MajorRefactoring branch. You're welcome to get involved, if you see opportunities to break dependencies without adding great deals of complexity, let me know.


MediaToolkit provides a straightforward interface for handling media data, making tasks such as converting, slicing and editing both audio and video completely effortless.

Under the hood, MediaToolkit is a .NET wrapper for FFmpeg; a free (LGPLv2.1) multimedia framework containing multiple audio and video codecs, supporting muxing, demuxing and transcoding tasks on many media formats.


  1. Features
  2. Get started!
  3. Samples
  4. Licensing


Get started!

Install MediaToolkit from NuGet using the Package Manager Console with the following command (or search on NuGet MediaToolkit)

PM> Install-Package MediaToolkit


Grab thumbnail from a video

var inputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Video.flv"};
var outputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Save_Image.jpg"};

using (var engine = new Engine())

    // Saves the frame located on the 15th second of the video.
    var options = new ConversionOptions { Seek = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) };
    engine.GetThumbnail(inputFile, outputFile, options);

Retrieve metadata

var inputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Video.flv"};

using (var engine = new Engine())


Basic conversion

var inputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Video.flv"};
var outputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Save_New_Video.mp4"};

using (var engine = new Engine())
    engine.Convert(inputFile, outputFile);

Convert Flash video to DVD

var inputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Video.flv"};
var outputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Save_New_DVD.vob"};

var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions
    Target = Target.DVD, 
    TargetStandard = TargetStandard.PAL

using (var engine = new Engine())
    engine.Convert(inputFile, outputFile, conversionOptions);

Transcoding options FLV to MP4

var inputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Video.flv"};
var outputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Save_New_Video.mp4"};

var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions
    MaxVideoDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
    VideoAspectRatio = VideoAspectRatio.R16_9,
    VideoSize = VideoSize.Hd1080,
    AudioSampleRate = AudioSampleRate.Hz44100

using (var engine = new Engine())
    engine.Convert(inputFile, outputFile, conversionOptions);

Cut video down to smaller length

var inputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Video.flv"};
var outputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Save_ExtractedVideo.flv"};

using (var engine = new Engine())

    var options = new ConversionOptions();

    // This example will create a 25 second video, starting from the 
    // 30th second of the original video.
    //// First parameter requests the starting frame to cut the media from.
    //// Second parameter requests how long to cut the video.
    options.CutMedia(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25));

    engine.Convert(inputFile, outputFile, options);

Subscribe to events

public void StartConverting()
    var inputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Video.flv"};
    var outputFile = new MediaFile {Filename = @"C:\Path\To_Save_New_Video.mp4"};

    using (var engine = new Engine())
        engine.ConvertProgressEvent += ConvertProgressEvent;
        engine.ConversionCompleteEvent += engine_ConversionCompleteEvent;
        engine.Convert(inputFile, outputFile);

private void ConvertProgressEvent(object sender, ConvertProgressEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Bitrate: {0}", e.Bitrate);
    Console.WriteLine("Fps: {0}", e.Fps);
    Console.WriteLine("Frame: {0}", e.Frame);
    Console.WriteLine("ProcessedDuration: {0}", e.ProcessedDuration);
    Console.WriteLine("SizeKb: {0}", e.SizeKb);
    Console.WriteLine("TotalDuration: {0}\n", e.TotalDuration);

private void engine_ConversionCompleteEvent(object sender, ConversionCompleteEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("\n------------\nConversion complete!\n------------");
    Console.WriteLine("Bitrate: {0}", e.Bitrate);
    Console.WriteLine("Fps: {0}", e.Fps);
    Console.WriteLine("Frame: {0}", e.Frame);
    Console.WriteLine("ProcessedDuration: {0}", e.ProcessedDuration);
    Console.WriteLine("SizeKb: {0}", e.SizeKb);
    Console.WriteLine("TotalDuration: {0}\n", e.TotalDuration);
