Azanor / thaumcraft-suggestions

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Biothaumaturgy Tab #104

Open Enderborn1235 opened 7 years ago

Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago

I would like to propose an extension to the already existing idea of biothaumaturgy. Feel free to add your own ideas via replying to this post.

I will edit this post to include more ideas, and if there is enough want for the idea, I will try to create an addon for Thaumcraft once TC 6 is released.


Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago


Azanor commented 7 years ago

No need to bump. I may not comment much on suggestions, but I do read them and keep ideas in mind.

Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago

ok, thanks.

Edit: How do you like some of the ideas for thaumcraft? ;)

Edit 2: I personally like the idea of hommonculi as advanced golems, but that's just me.

slg407 commented 7 years ago

i would really likethe idea of portals between places just like the ichun doors mod but made with a modification of the warding foci

Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago

I saw an idea for a blood magic addon called flesh magic on the minecraft forums. It could be possible to implement this in TC 5/6 using victus essentia instead of liquid lp. It involves the use of literal veins and arteries in one's flesh network(accessable through a brain-like device that takes you into another dimension) to make elaborate devices within the network. The initial purpose was to increase liquid lp production, but I feel that it can be used as an endgame base or as a stepping stone for various devices that help the network further protect the player from various "virus" mobs that invade from time to time. It is even possible to recreate these mobs for use as protectors and servants in the dimension, like how the human body builds up immunity to various diseases. These mobs exist because you cannot use golems in the dimension, as they are considered as a foreign substance in the network, and will be disposed of.

Another idea is a bauble that can use a certain kind of essentia in the player's inventory, an secrete it on to the person's skin, kind of like the symbiotes from marvel. They have various powers depending on what essentia you "feed" them. If none is present it will try to feed off of your life force or sanity to keep it alive until you put it back into the bauble. The bauble part was mainly inspired from agent venom of marvel. I would say it needs 1 essetia per 30 seconds, or 60 seconds, as I haven't decided yet.

Thank you for your time, -Enderborn1235

Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago

Oh, I almost forgot you can't build in the dimension using anything that is non-living, along with any foreign flora. This will encourage jumping to and from the overworld instead of holing up in the dimension

Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago

Give credit where credit is due:

Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago

I had a major want that no addon seemed to provide. I wanted necromancy in thaumcraft, but in a thaumic style. So I had this idea, rather than use magic to reanimate cratures, use the parasitic nature of taint to make your unholy abomination. The idea is simple, you make a shell for your creature, similar to the necromancy mod, but you use tainted goo or fiber. Then, add normal organs or magically enhanced organs, which can add abilities to your creature. Next, add a brain. Finally, you use a warded syringe filled with a special fluid called tainted ichor to kickstart the innert brain. The mixture is comprised of bottled taint as a base, some redstone for control, some victus essentia to act as some blood, and some vitium essentia as an additive for the base. The syringe needs to be made using the tainted ichor, an essentia filter, and an iron ingot. Some organs and their functions are as follows:

Thanks for your time, -Enderborn1235

Frontrider commented 7 years ago

Azanor, take a look at thaumic horizons. It has an entire branch of this concept, ending with the ability to augment yourself.

Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago

Yes, but the mod has been inactive for over a year

Enderborn1235 commented 7 years ago

Just had another idea(man, it has been a while...). You notice that bottles of taint have interesting properties when infused with eldritch magic along with permutatio and perdetio essentia. You find that it can be so volatile, that you must keep it in a warded jar until ready to be used on an unsuspecting victim or yourself... The results of your field trials prove fruitful, as the subject exhibits immense strength and destructive capabilities, at the cost of the user's sanity. It can even be injected into the bloodstream. The beast can eventually turn on you, after all what do you expect it to do after sitting in a jar for so long. You the procede to bind the beast to you in the hopes to control it to your will. You were wrong in doing so. The beast forms a parasitic bond with you to the point that your brain is affected by it. Once in a while you can talk and eventually reason with the beast to further increase you capabilities, or rid youself of it. You can rid yourself of it also by playing note blocks arond yourself, as it is weak against sound. This method can, if done improperly, make the beast resent you even more. Will you stoop to the level of this "symbiote", embracing it for the rest of your days, or will you end it then and there, like the cancer that it is.

This was inspired by marvel's line of symbiotes, mainly venom and carnage.

BobbyKilkins commented 6 years ago

SpiderOverlord commented on Jul 15, 2016 • perhaps there should be a set of tools and armor made from semi-living flesh that has been slightly strengthened by iron nuggets... an early game form of void metal equipment. basically a set of stone tier equipment that can "heal" itself, however this could come at the cost of the player as the equipment is parasitic and will feed off of the players food bar

I love this idea and think it would fit right in with a Biothaumaturgy tab. I will even add more: maybe the tools could even feed on your health points (very slowly, of course) and could be made using thaumium I'm also pretty sure this should be forbidden magic

Or maybe if a biothaumoturgy tab won't be added, this could be made with arcane infusion.

Frontrider commented 6 years ago

Thaumcraft 6 does mentions Biothaumaturgy.

I have to actually release the addon that revisits some of the ideas from Horizons + adds my own twist. Ping me later to remind me, the first release is really overdue (by a month now)

BobbyKilkins commented 6 years ago

The living metal could be called Biothaumium

Enderborn1235 commented 6 years ago


I personally would like to see this addon.

Frontrider commented 6 years ago


Work in progress, and I also need some assets. I already miss a few (starting with the actual biothaumaturgy tab's icon).

I'm also short on time (my first release was supposed to happen a about a month ago), and I want to get at least one feature done (one that you can use to power up yourself in a similar fashion to Astral sorcery) before the first release. That is my milestone.

BioThaumium also looks interesting, but I won't look at it for now.

I'd really like to see it done, especially because it's really fun to work with this api.

Frontrider commented 6 years ago

And don't expect it to change the world, it's currently one major, and two minor features combined with a set of recipes.

I'll probably just push it to github after the first release.

Enderborn1235 commented 6 years ago


Just the fact that you are adding a features such as these is amazing in of itself. Keep up the work. ;)

Frontrider commented 6 years ago

The current list:

Interested in:

If I can get self enchantments done, than v1.0 is complete. There's a special mechanic in it, that I haven't wrapped my head around. Yes, I look at it as a school of knowledge, not as a thing for my mod to put my stuff into, since that is what tabs are for in this version, and any other interpretation takes you out of the experience.

And thanks I'll remember that when I get the time to pick it up and work on it.

Enderborn1235 commented 6 years ago


Frontrider commented 6 years ago

Not v1.0, but committing anyways.

Enderborn1235 commented 6 years ago

Double Cool!

Frontrider commented 6 years ago

Can you open them as issues one by one, so I can have a list?

I doubt I'll implement them, (lot of them are beyond my current reach) but it's good if it's there.

BobbyKilkins commented 6 years ago

Sounds cool, just make sure that growing plants and meat isn't too similar with the lamps of fertility and growth.

Frontrider commented 6 years ago

If you're talking to me, continue on my repo ;). And no, it's not similar. Same purpose, but different approach.