AztecProtocol / aztec-2-bug-bounty

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Barretenberg library build problem #3

Open EGabov-bc opened 2 years ago

EGabov-bc commented 2 years ago

There are some problems with building a library Barretenberg. I run the "./" as described in the build instruction and received several CMake's build problems. Full log are here - CMakeBuildProblem.log Seems that the problem is that several directories and files don't exist in repository. Missing directories and files are:

  1. barretenberg/src/aztec/crypto/ecdsa
  2. barretenberg/cmake/build.cmake
  3. barretenberg/src/aztec/stdlib/hash/mimc
  4. barretenberg/src/aztec/stdlib/encryption/ecdsa
  5. barretenberg/src/aztec/noir

If I update CMakeLists files with problems (just by deleting the lines where the error occurs) I will receive several C++ build problem. Full log are here - C++BuildProblem.log. Seem that the problem occurred due to missing cpp-header files. E.g. barretenberg/src/aztec/plonk/proof_system/types/program_settings.hpp try to include barretenberg/src/aztec/plonk/proof_system/widgets/transition_widgets/mimc_widget.hpp (which does not exist) and we receive an error.

EGabov-bc commented 2 years ago

I see that previous version (commit f183bee31c808703df01b389b4cc2c2ac27e8109) build fine but some changes in CMakeLists are also required. Required changes in previous version are:

diff --git a/barretenberg/CMakeLists.txt b/barretenberg/CMakeLists.txt
index d7b5a50..a2bdc7d 100644
--- a/barretenberg/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/barretenberg/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ include(cmake/arch.cmake)

diff --git a/barretenberg/src/aztec/CMakeLists.txt b/barretenberg/src/aztec/CMakeLists.txt
index 254cba0..1c384e5 100644
--- a/barretenberg/src/aztec/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/barretenberg/src/aztec/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ add_subdirectory(crypto)
skardas commented 2 years ago

Nobody solves this issue?