Azure-Samples / search-qna-maker-accelerator

Cognitive Search Question Answering Solution Accelerator
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Removed the file, as our solution doesn't collect telemetry #11

Closed jennifermarsman closed 3 years ago

jennifermarsman commented 3 years ago

Removed the file, as our solution doesn't collect telemetry (only the underlying services do)


As per an email from Jeff Wilcox, the file is not required if our solution isn't explicitly sending telemetry. Only the underlying services (Cognitive Search and QnA Maker) are collecting telemetry.

Does this introduce a breaking change?

[ ] Yes
[X] No

Pull Request Type

What kind of change does this Pull Request introduce?

[ ] Bugfix
[ ] Feature
[ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[X] Documentation content changes
[ ] Other... Please describe:

How to Test

git clone [repo-address]
cd [repo-name]
git checkout [branch-name]
npm install

What to Check

Verify that the following are valid

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