Azure / AKS

Azure Kubernetes Service
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[Feature] Scheduler Configuration Support for AKS #4203

Open sdesai345 opened 1 month ago

sdesai345 commented 1 month ago

This feature will provide AKS customers the flexibility and extensibility to change the scheduling mechanism of specific workloads or across an entire cluster. AKS-supported configurations of the Upstream Kubernetes scheduling framework, such as co-scheduling, resource bin-packing to lower cluster costs, custom topology spread, etc. will be detailed in AKS docs.

stevehipwell commented 4 days ago


AndrewCi commented 4 days ago

Is there a timeline for this? Would be ideal to be able to set PodTopologyConstraints across the entire cluster by configuring the scheduling profile.

sdesai345 commented 4 days ago

Hi @AndrewCi, we are aiming for public preview release this semester (before Sept).