Welcome to the Continuous Cloud Optimization Power BI Dashboard GitHub Project. In this repository you will find all the guidance and files needed to deploy the Dashboard in your environment to take benefit of a single pane of glass to get insights about your Azure resources and services.
When opening CCO Dashboard, all queries display the following error:
When looking into the query, the Source is fine on all queries, but all the next steps (Invoke Custom Function) fail with the above error.
Privacy setting is set to None on all connections. Private and Organization has also been tested but the result is the same.
Rebuild has been tried as described here: https://www.excelguru.ca/blog/2015/03/11/power-query-errors-please-rebuild-this-data-combination/ to no avail
Not sure if this is part of the solution: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ca434e2d-88fe-4962-b46a-a1db51e8bd89/feedback-wanted-behind-the-scenes-of-the-data-privacy-firewall?forum=powerquery
When running functions (like ListResourceGroups) on specific subscriptionId in a manual query, the resource groups are listed as expected.
Expected behavior Description of how to mitigate Formula.Firewall on CCO Dashboard.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional context Power BI version: 2.85.985.0 64-bit (September 2020)