Adding PATCH as above definition is missing one IP address which yields below error.
“The artifact 'ase' of type 'Template' failed to deploy due to the following error: Template deployment failed with error [ { "message": "Network configuration is invalid. {\"Message\":\"The current networking configuration does not meet App Service Environment requirements. Please follow the recommended actions and try again. Find more information on ASE network requirements at\",\"RecommendedActions\":[\"App Service management traffic is not being routed directly to the Internet. Create a new Route in the Route Table assigned to your ASE subnet with a next hop of Internet for each of the following management addresses:\"]}" } ]“.
Added the IP address which was missing. After adding the Blueprint definition works as expected.
Adding PATCH as above definition is missing one IP address which yields below error.
“The artifact 'ase' of type 'Template' failed to deploy due to the following error: Template deployment failed with error [ { "message": "Network configuration is invalid. {\"Message\":\"The current networking configuration does not meet App Service Environment requirements. Please follow the recommended actions and try again. Find more information on ASE network requirements at\",\"RecommendedActions\":[\"App Service management traffic is not being routed directly to the Internet. Create a new Route in the Route Table assigned to your ASE subnet with a next hop of Internet for each of the following management addresses:\"]}" } ]“.
Added the IP address which was missing. After adding the Blueprint definition works as expected.