Azure / azure-functions-pack

Easily package your Node.js Functions for Azure Functions
MIT License
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Proper usage #71

Open mderazon opened 6 years ago

mderazon commented 6 years ago

Not sure how to properly use this.

I have continuous deployment set up for the function via Github

  1. Should I commit .funcpack folder to Github ?
  2. Would azure function know not to download npm packages even though I have a package.json at the root of my function ?
  3. Should I have an npm run build script to first do npm install and then func pack ./ ?

A sample project would go a long way I think


xt0rted commented 6 years ago

Over the last few days I've set my project up to use this tool. The way I'm using it right now is I'm installing it as a dev dependency and then added a script to my package.json like so

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint **/*.js",
    "pack": "funcpack pack ./",
    "test": "npm run lint"
  "devDependencies": {
    "azure-functions-pack": "1.0.0",
    "eslint": "4.17.0"

Then in my appveyor.yml I've setup my build script like so

  - npm run test

  - npm run pack

  - 7z a %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\.funcpack
  - 7z a %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\Notification-*\function.json
  - 7z a %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\host.json

  - path:
    type: Zip

And then to deploy I'm using the new Zip Push deployment provider to deploy the zip file from the build artifacts.

With this setup I can't really package everything up locally to test out the script, but the process is so simple it's easy to verify by checking the build artifacts of PRs. Plus all of my functions are in folders prefixed with Notification- which makes packing them up easier.

I tried playing around with the funcpack pack -c -o options but the resulting folder structure isn't what I was expecting (everything is put under the .funcpack folder) so I'm not sure if that's meant to be used as-is or if you're supposed to move those files/folders around some when you push them out for deployment.

For now I'm just grabbing the files manually to build my zip package. I think some clarification around the -c and -o options and examples of how you would use them to package up your functions would be helpful.

necevil commented 6 years ago

@xt0rted this is exactly the build pipeline I am about to create. I agree clarification on the -c and -o options would be helpful!

necevil commented 6 years ago

@mderazon to answer ONE of your questions: If you deploy like @xt0rted did using Zip Push Azure by default expects all dependencies to be properly installed / contained within your zip — in the case of Zip Push Deployment — Azure will ignore your package.json and not attempt to re-install already installed modules.

More info on Zip Push deployments can be found here: