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Support for Azure PostgreSQL HyperScale (Citus) #14875

Closed favoretti closed 7 months ago

favoretti commented 3 years ago

Service Package Request

Could we please add support for PostgreSQL Hyperscale (Citus)? The service has been GA for a while, however REST API specs are still in privatepreview mode (

Next to it, there's a question why a GA service ( still using private preview API?

All in all, we would very much like to have this supported by terraform, but without SDK support it makes it hard of course, so would be much appreciated if someone could generate at least a privatepreview SDK.


/cc @ArcturusZhang

tombuildsstuff commented 3 years ago

Next to it, there's a question why a GA service ( still using private preview API?

cc @JeffreyRichter for this one

ghost commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! We are routing this to the appropriate team for follow-up. cc @sunilagarwal, @lfittl-msft, @sr-msft, @niklarin.

Issue Details
### Service Package Request Could we please add support for PostgreSQL Hyperscale (Citus)? The service has been GA for a while, however REST API specs are still in privatepreview mode ( Next to it, there's a question why a GA service ( still using private preview API? All in all, we would very much like to have this supported by terraform, but without SDK support it makes it hard of course, so would be much appreciated if someone could generate at least a privatepreview SDK. Thanks! /cc @ArcturusZhang
Author: favoretti
Assignees: -
Labels: `PostgreSQL`, `Service Attention`, `customer-reported`, `needs-triage`, `question`
Milestone: -
ArcturusZhang commented 3 years ago

Hi @favoretti and @tombuildsstuff thanks for this issue!

I will make some internal communication to get an answer/update for this. Thanks

niklarin commented 3 years ago

@favoretti thank you very much for interest in Hyperscale (Citus)! As you rightfully noticed the product is young and is growing very fast.

You're right, REST APIs are not released publicly yet (are in private preview). Due to multiple reasons we had to delay REST APIs release until we can be certain we have a final version. Please bear with us as we will be looking for any opportunity to finally publish them as soon as we can in the next few months.

To release Azure SDKs support for Hyperscale (Citus) we need to have the final version of APIs first. Once SDKs support is released we will be working with our partners at Terraform to add Hyperscale (Citus) support.

If you have any questions about Hyperscale (Citus) or would like to discuss your case with us, the Hyperscale (Citus) product development team, please feel free to email us at

Kind regards, Nik

Hyperscale (Citus) product

favoretti commented 3 years ago

@niklarin Thank you for your elaborate answer. Since I'm fairly active on azurerm terraform provider development - one could say I can be your terraform partner in implementation. :) We are using Citus currently in our projects and have to band-aid it with ARM templates wrapped in terraform for now, which works, but is sub-optimal.

I appreciate that API needs to be stabilized, however, since portal uses this API currently as well and one is able to use ARM to deploy and manage those resources and, what's IMO more important in this case, the product itself has been GA for over a year now - would it be possible to publish at least a public preview of this SDK as is? I do realize all the risks of breaking changes in the coming months of course.

cmahlert commented 2 years ago

It's pretty frustrating that nothing is happening here.

@niklarin: Can you give an approximate estimate of when the REST APIs will be released? The year is almost over again.

@favoretti: I'd be interested in your "band-aid solution". Is there any way you could share it?

favoretti commented 2 years ago

@cmahlert basically an ARM template wrapped in TF. Happy to share tomorrow my morning, have just my phone with me atm.

favoretti commented 2 years ago


module that refers to labels is terraform-null-label

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "citus" {
  name     = module.citus_poc_labels.id_with_suffix.rg
  location = module.citus_poc_labels.location
  tags     = module.citus_poc_labels.tags

resource "random_password" "citus_poc" {
  length      = 32
  upper       = true
  min_upper   = 1
  lower       = true
  min_lower   = 1
  number      = true
  min_numeric = 1
  special     = false
  min_special = 0

resource "azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting" "citus" {
  name                       = format("%s-citus-ds",
  target_resource_id         = jsondecode(azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment.citus_poc.output_content).serverGroupId.value
  log_analytics_workspace_id =

  dynamic "log" {
    for_each = toset(["PostgreSQLLogs"])
    content {
      category = log.key
      enabled  = true

      retention_policy {
        enabled = true
        days    = 30

  dynamic "metric" {
    for_each = toset(["AllMetrics"])
    content {
      category = metric.key
      enabled  = true

      retention_policy {
        enabled = true
        days    = 30

resource "azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment" "citus_poc" {
  name                = "citus-poc"
  resource_group_name =
  deployment_mode     = "Complete"
  parameters_content  = local.citus_poc_parameters
  template_content    = local.citus_poc_arm

locals {
  citus_poc_parameters = jsonencode({
    administratorLogin         = { value = "citus" }
    administratorLoginPassword = { value = random_password.citus_poc.result }
    location                   = { value = azurerm_resource_group.citus.location }
    serverGroup                = { value = }
    coordinatorVcores          = { value = 16 }
    coordinatorStorageSizeMB   = { value = 524288 }
    workerVcores               = { value = 8 }
    workerStorageSizeMB        = { value = 524288 }
    numWorkers                 = { value = 8 }
    serverGroupTags            = { value = module.citus_poc_labels.tags }
    workerNodeTags             = { value = module.citus_poc_labels.tags }
    coordinatorNodeTags        = { value = module.citus_poc_labels.tags }
    vnetData                   = { value = {} }
    standbyCount               = { value = 0 }
    enableHa                   = { value = false }
    previewFeatures            = { value = true }
    pgVersion                  = { value = "13" }
    logMinDurationStatement    = { value = "1" }
    trackActivityQuerySize     = { value = "1000000" }

    firewallRules = {
      value = {
        rules = [
            name           = "AllowAllAzureServicesAndResourcesWithinAzureIps_2021-7-6_11-19-4",
            endIPAddress   = "",
            startIPAddress = ""

  citus_poc_arm = jsonencode({
    "$schema"        = ""
    "contentVersion" = ""
    "parameters" = {
      "administratorLogin" = {
        "type" = "String"
      "administratorLoginPassword" = {
        "type" = "SecureString"
      "location" = {
        "type" = "String"
      "serverGroup" = {
        "type" = "String"
      "coordinatorVcores" = {
        "type" = "Int"
      "coordinatorStorageSizeMB" = {
        "type" = "Int"
      "workerVcores" = {
        "type" = "Int"
      "workerStorageSizeMB" = {
        "type" = "Int"
      "numWorkers" = {
        "type" = "Int"
      "serverGroupTags" = {
        "type"         = "Object"
        "defaultValue" = {}
      "workerNodeTags" = {
        "type"         = "Object"
        "defaultValue" = {}
      "coordinatorNodeTags" = {
        "type"         = "Object"
        "defaultValue" = {}
      "firewallRules" = {
        "type"         = "Object"
        "defaultValue" = {}
      "vnetData" = {
        "type"         = "Object"
        "defaultValue" = {}
      "standbyCount" = {
        "type"         = "Int"
        "defaultValue" = 0
      "enableHa" = {
        "type"         = "Bool"
        "defaultValue" = false
      "previewFeatures" = {
        "type"         = "Bool"
        "defaultValue" = false
      "pgVersion" = {
        "type" = "String"
      "logMinDurationStatement" = {
        "type" = "String"
      "trackActivityQuerySize" = {
        "type" = "String"
    "variables" = {
      "api"             = "2020-10-05-privatepreview"
      "serverGroupName" = "[parameters('serverGroup')]"
      "firewallRules"   = "[parameters('firewallRules').rules]"
      "enablePublicIp"  = "[if(empty(parameters('vnetData')), bool('true'), bool('false'))]"
      "vnetDataSet"     = "[if(empty(parameters('vnetData')), json('{ \"subnetArmResourceId\": \"\" }'), parameters('vnetData'))]"
      "finalVnetData"   = "[json(concat('{ \"SubnetArmResourceId\": \"', variables('vnetDataSet').subnetArmResourceId, '\"}'))]"
    "resources" = [
        "apiVersion" = "[variables('api')]"
        "location"   = "[parameters('location')]"
        "name"       = "[variables('serverGroupName')]"
        "tags"       = "[parameters('serverGroupTags')]"
        "type"       = "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2"
        "properties" = {
          "createMode"                 = "Default"
          "administratorLogin"         = "citus"
          "administratorLoginPassword" = "[parameters('administratorLoginPassword')]"
          "backupRetentionDays"        = 35
          "DelegatedSubnetArguments"   = "[if(empty(parameters('vnetData')), json('null'), variables('finalVnetData'))]"
          "enableMx"                   = false
          "enableZfs"                  = false
          "previewFeatures"            = "[parameters('previewFeatures')]"
          "postgresqlVersion"          = "[parameters('pgVersion')]"
          "logMinDurationStatement"    = "[parameters('logMinDurationStatement')]"
          "trackActivityQuerySize"     = "[parameters('trackActivityQuerySize')]"
          "serverRoleGroups" = [
              "name"                    = ""
              "role"                    = "Coordinator"
              "serverCount"             = 1
              "serverEdition"           = "GeneralPurpose"
              "vCores"                  = "[parameters('coordinatorVcores')]"
              "storageQuotaInMb"        = "[parameters('coordinatorStorageSizeMB')]"
              "enableHa"                = "[parameters('enableHa')]"
              "logMinDurationStatement" = "[parameters('logMinDurationStatement')]"
              "logStatement"            = "All"
              "randomPageCost"          = 4
              "name"                    = ""
              "role"                    = "Worker"
              "serverCount"             = "[parameters('numWorkers')]"
              "serverEdition"           = "MemoryOptimized"
              "vCores"                  = "[parameters('workerVcores')]"
              "storageQuotaInMb"        = "[parameters('workerStorageSizeMB')]"
              "enableHa"                = "[parameters('enableHa')]"
              "logMinDurationStatement" = "[parameters('logMinDurationStatement')]"
              "logStatement"            = "All"
              "randomPageCost"          = 4
        "condition"  = "[greater(length(variables('firewallRules')), 0)]"
        "type"       = "Microsoft.Resources/deployments"
        "apiVersion" = "2019-08-01"
        "name"       = "[concat(variables('serverGroupName'), concat('-firewallRules-', copyIndex()))]"
        "copy" = {
          "count" = "[if(greater(length(variables('firewallRules')), 0), length(variables('firewallRules')), 1)]"
          "mode"  = "Serial"
          "name"  = "firewallRulesIterator"
        "dependsOn" = [
          "[concat('Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/', variables('serverGroupName'))]"
        "properties" = {
          "mode" = "Incremental"
          "template" = {
            "$schema"        = ""
            "contentVersion" = ""
            "resources" = [
                "type"       = "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/firewallRules"
                "name"       = "[concat(variables('serverGroupName'),'/',variables('firewallRules')[copyIndex()].name)]"
                "apiVersion" = "[variables('api')]"
                "properties" = {
                  "startIpAddress" = "[variables('firewallRules')[copyIndex()].startIPAddress]"
                  "endIpAddress"   = "[variables('firewallRules')[copyIndex()].endIPAddress]"
    "outputs" = {
      "serverGroupId" : {
        "type" : "String",
        "value" : "[resourceId('Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/', variables('serverGroupName'))]"

resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "citus" {
  name                = format("%s-pendp",
  location            = module.citus_poc_labels.location
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.this["primary"].name
  subnet_id           =[module.citus_poc_labels.location]

  private_dns_zone_group {
    name                 = format("%s-pendp",
    private_dns_zone_ids = []

  private_service_connection {
    name                           = format("%s-psc",
    private_connection_resource_id = jsondecode(azurerm_resource_group_template_deployment.citus_poc.output_content).serverGroupId.value
    subresource_names              = ["coordinator"]
    is_manual_connection           = false

  tags = module.citus_poc_labels.tags

resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "citus" {
  name                = format("",
  resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.this["primary"].name
  tags                = module.citus_poc_labels.tags

resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link" "cituseastus2" {
  name                  = "citus-main"
  resource_group_name   = azurerm_resource_group.this["primary"].name
  private_dns_zone_name =
  virtual_network_id    =[module.eastus2_labels.location]

resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "citus_login_password" {
  name         = "citus-login-password"
  value        = random_password.citus_poc.result
  key_vault_id = module.kv_env["dev"].id
github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

Hi @favoretti, we deeply appreciate your input into this project. Regrettably, this issue has remained inactive for over 2 years, leading us to the decision to close it. We've implemented this policy to maintain the relevance of our issue queue and facilitate easier navigation for new contributors. If you still believe this topic requires attention, please feel free to create a new issue, referencing this one. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support.