Azure / kafka-sink-azure-kusto

Kafka sink for Kusto
MIT License
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Ingestion failure while trying to use StormEvents.csv file #38

Closed abhirockzz closed 4 years ago

abhirockzz commented 4 years ago

I submitted the StormEvents.csv file (available as an example in the Data Explorer docs) to test the ingestion and the ingestion failed.


  1. install connector, start kafka connect worker
  2. start the connector job
  3. download StormEvents.csv file locall
  4. pipe its contents to kafka topic using console producer. e.g. --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic my_topic --new-producer < StormEvents.csv

This should trigger the ingestion process.

In Data Explorer, .show ingestion failures returned the following error:

Stream_WrongNumberOfFields: Stream with id '' has a malformed Csv format, failing per ValidationOptions policy with errorCode='0x80DA0008 E_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_FIELDS' 

Additional information: HRESULT=0x80da0008 



Validator=struct Kusto::Csv::CsvFormatValidatingParserTraits 


Kusto::Csv::Parser<>.PrepareFields: CSV has an inconsistent number of fields per line:  -- Offending record: 2 (start position in stream: 17), fieldsCount: 2, currentRecordFieldCount: 2, record:     ""Description"": """", 

[end record] 
vladikbr commented 4 years ago

We have completely reworked the Kafka sink. Would you care to try the latest?