BADF00D / DisposableFixer

This is a Visual Studio Extension and NuGet package that should identify and fix problems as memleaks while using IDisposables.
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Add following tracking instaces from mscorlib #22

Closed dscopra closed 7 years ago

dscopra commented 7 years ago

The following classes from mscorelib closes(dispose the given resources on exit y System.IO.BinaryReader(Stream input,Encoding encoding,Boolean leaveOpen); y System.IO.BinaryWriter(Stream output,Encoding encoding,Boolean leaveOpen); n System.IO.BufferedStream n System.IO.FileStream y System.IO.StreamReader(Stream stream,Encoding encoding,Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks,Int32 bufferSize,Boolean leaveOpen); y System.IO.StreamWriter(Stream stream,Encoding encoding,Int32 bufferSize,Boolean leaveOpen); n System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream n System.Resources.ResourceReader(Stream stream); n System.Resources.ResourceSet(Stream stream); n System.Resources.ResourceSet(IResourceReader reader); n System.Resources.ResourceWriter(Stream stream);

The classes with prefix y allow to control the closing behaviour via an bool leaveOpen flag in ctor.

BADF00D commented 7 years ago

Done in version 0.13