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fits.fz, fits.gz & .zip files still not processed properly #138

Closed astromiki closed 2 months ago

astromiki commented 2 months ago

FITS.FZ, FITS.GZ, ZIP files still not processed properly through ccdphotsvc. Although CCDPhot finishes calculations properly, some issue on the ccdphotsvc arrises when grabbing the *.dat file. See screenshots attached. image image

majkelx commented 2 months ago

On the screenshot, the name of the referred .dat file is cropped out. please provide the full name and the .dat file itself. (@astromiki @arturkrawczyk @tmac-rvx whoever has the access)

astromiki commented 2 months ago It'not dat.

majkelx commented 2 months ago
File Filename
Input file 133_gaia23bab_n-v_300s_0001_F0ElYBe.fits.gz
Expected output FITS file 133_gaia23bab_n-v_300s_0001_F0ElYBe_s.fits.gz
Actual output FITS file 133_gaia23bab_n-v_300s_0001_F0ElYBe_s.fits

Output file has wrong extension (different form imput file)

astromiki commented 2 months ago

Ok, czyli to kwestia wyjściowych plików fits. Zatem no problem, poprawię , potestuję i wtedy zamykam issue.

astromiki commented 2 months ago

Dobra, skoro wyjściowy plik też ma mieć .gz, to tak też będzie. Chyba działa. Zamykam i dzięki!