BLE-LTER / MetaEgress

R package to create Ecological Metadata Language documents from an instance of LTER-core-metabase database schema
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hyperlink in word document #18

Open lkuiucsb opened 5 years ago

lkuiucsb commented 5 years ago

If the word document (e.g. abstract or method) has a hyperlink, the EML will be invalid. The code could either remove the hyperlink from the word document or change into other format that EML accepts.

atn38 commented 5 years ago

I knew about this bug, and thought it has something to do with the EML::set_TextType function that we use under the hood. But that's not true according to this MRE:


person <- list(individualName = list(givenName = "Blizzard", surName = "Frosty"))

my_eml <- list(packageId = "id", system = "system",
               dataset = list(
                 title = "A Mimimal Valid EML Dataset",
                 creator = person,
                 contact = person,
                 abstract = set_TextType("hyperlink_bug.docx")


using this minimal word file hyperlink_bug.docx

atn38 commented 5 years ago

Just tried again, I can't reproduce this.

atn38 commented 5 years ago

The problem seems not about invalid XML but that the hyperlinked content gets put into its own paragraph tags.