BLeeEZ / amperfy

Amperfy is an iOS app to play songs from an Ampache or Subsonic server
GNU General Public License v3.0
449 stars 36 forks source link

2 issues related to shuffling a playlist #299

Open oscadev opened 1 month ago

oscadev commented 1 month ago

Issue 1: Every now and then, "shuffle" forgets it is supposed to be shuffled, and just starts playing songs in alphabetical order, and I have to tap shuffle again.

Issue 2: The shuffle algorithm is borked and not random. There are songs that shuffle has played like 50 times, while some songs have never been selected at all, or selected very fiew times like once or twice. It REALLY loves some songs as I can sometimes even get the same song twice in a row by tapping shuffle twice, but other songs have never been selected by the shuffle at all.

Both of these issues have been going on since I have been using the app for years, so not some outlier fluke.

quartztester commented 1 month ago

@oscadev Are you able to go into more detail about the problem? I am not able to repeat this even with relatively small playlist (~10 songs).

Are you shuffling in the songs list or some sub directories? Is there something repeatable other than this maybe being a fluke of luck?