BMR59 / Portu-WhatsApp

Communications between Portuguese L2 Speakers and Native Speakers via WhatsApp
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Project Feedback #11

Open mof11 opened 6 years ago

mof11 commented 6 years ago

I really really liked this project!! I found it extremely interesting to see the differences between the usage of abbreviations depending on the nationality, as well as the variety of abbreviations. Overall, I think the analysis of this project was done well and same goes for the layout and design of the website. The only suggestion I would give is perhaps to change the background color to see the text better? Other than that, I think everything else is great!

kes213 commented 6 years ago

This was a really interesting idea for a project! The homepage of the website has a really nice color scheme! I love the blue and yellow combo; that really makes the menu pop off of the screen. The website is set up really nicely and it's easy to navigate around.

I will say that I do agree with @mof11 as far as the background color is concerned; I love the blue, but I would suggest a slightly lighter blue so that your viewers don't have to strain their eyes so much as they read the screen.

Also, maybe you could put some photos or something extra on the About page? Right now, all I see are the two paragraphs of text. It would be more pleasing to the eye if you added some photos or images!

Nice work!

Jamielynn92 commented 6 years ago

I liked this project. The layout is easy to navigate through. The color is also very appeasing to the eyes, I like the color blue you chose, it makes the layout really pop. The color of the menu pop with the yellow. Also the image you used on top behind the text was a really nice touch. I'm just bummed I'm not able to view the text in your Corpus, so I can test the toggle buttons. Also I enjoyed the graphs in your analysis. Showing the different forms of conversations that we have through texting. very interesting. although some of the graphs aren't done, they are pretty good.

Blangzo commented 6 years ago

This project website seems pretty well done with a simple layout. The colors fit well except for the highlights in the corpus, which I recall you mentioning that you would fix during class. The graphs also seem well thought out and are useful analyses of your project. I do however have another small criticism of your project.

In the analysis page, the entire webpage scrolls horizontally for some reason. I assume its a result of the unfinished graph under "the use of emojis in texting" which stretches off the page. The other thing is the size difference and blank space on this page. There is a big difference between the font size of your analysis explanations and placeholders on this page inn comparison to the font size for the labels on the graphs. The graphs themselves are also much bigger than the paragraphs explaining them and I find that it leaves the entire page less visually appealing. In addition, the graphs are not spaced evenly as a result of the uneven space in the SVG itself. This creates a lot of extra blank space between the two graphs and above and below, but not as much on the sides; also less visually appealing.

Other than these visual criticisms, I think your project is going along pretty well. Good Job!