Take line-by-line notes on the application.py files of NiftyNet and add the notes to our forked version of NiftyNet.
User Story
As a Software Engineer trying to make my first NiftyNet model,
I want to understand the source code of NiftyNet
so that I can use NiftyNet to create a new type of deep learning application (landmark identification)
Tasks to be completed
[ ] Go line by line through the _application.py files of NiftyNet's source code and take notes for usage and understanding
[ ] Create diagrams to illustrate associations between files and classes in NiftyNet
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] We have enough understanding of NiftyNet to create our own application for NiftyNet
Take line-by-line notes on the application.py files of NiftyNet and add the notes to our forked version of NiftyNet.
User Story
As a
Software Engineer trying to make my first NiftyNet model
, I wantto understand the source code of NiftyNet
so thatI can use NiftyNet to create a new type of deep learning application (landmark identification)
Tasks to be completed
Acceptance Criteria