BRyeGmoney / ForTheLoveOfPower

The repo for the best game ever being worked on by absurdomatic games during this game's development cycle.
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Interaction Design #16

Open BRyeGmoney opened 9 years ago

BRyeGmoney commented 9 years ago

Basically, we need to understand how we want the user to interact with options. This coincides with the visual aspect in many ways but choosing menu options could be a uniquely enjoyable experience should we choose to deviate from the standard menu template of games these days.

Rafzoola commented 9 years ago

Alright. I am attempting non linear thought on this topic. I have thrown out my treasured concept of icon only, no load screen, last menu press is dictator placement concept that I pitched as a half formed idea on Friday. I agree that it's useless beyond the most basic start screen and loses all value once player has to host or join a game with a friend and basic icons won't do. I have also allowed what I think is a respectable grieving time after letting it die to believe I can form a new idea free of the notion entirely. I am playing with a few novel ideas, among these, but not limited to, are skill testing questions, riddles, mini games, and interactive visuals that produce one option at a time, based on free flowing manipulation of on screen elements. I won't go into details of less than half baked, late night musings in this comment. Instead I would like a comprehensive list of start menu categories, the sub categories they lead into, and all possible options and prompts a player can see before the game starts. I do not put this task squarely on you as a way of shoving it off to delay. Instead I will start it and hopefully you can fill in the gaps as soon as you imagine them so I can eliminate what doesn't make sense and try to come up with something that will. Remember as always, I might be completely wrong and am also doing this on iPod so if the below format looks a mess ask for clarification on any aspect and I will try again. Hope this works and you send back a similar list with the correct ideas in all the right places.

Single player->straight into game

Multiplayer->1v1/1v1v1/1v1v1v1->quick join->into game OR ->host-> invite-> friends list?->game OR ->Join->friends list?->game

Options->gamma(slider) Options->audio->master/bg music (sliders)

Friends list->invite/invites???

Anything else, anything in between? Account for all possible screens a player might see as well as how best to interact with that screen.

I hope that's somewhat clear, and that you get what I'm looking for. If you do and help me better understand the players options, I'm confident that I can have at least a couple of unique options by the time I get back and we have our way too excited talk on the next steps.

BRyeGmoney commented 9 years ago

Main Screen should have an audio on/off button somewhere in the corner

Single Player -> 1st Player - Colour Option 2nd Player - Colour Option 3rd Player - Colour Option (Not immediately in the game, press on + sign or something to add) 4th Player - Colour Option Back

Multi Player -> Find Opponent -> 1st Player - Colour Option 2nd Player - Colour Option Start Back Search Games -> # of Players Search Modifier Game Speed Search Modifier List of 10 matching games Next Page Previous Page Back Host Game -> 1st Player - Colour Option 2nd Player - Colour Option - Invite 3rd Player - Colour Option (+) - Invite 4th Player - Colour Option (+) - Invite Starting Money Game Speed Host Game -> Same as Find Opponent Screen but with Invite Options for friends Back Tutorial -> Full tutorial Structure and Unit Rundown Back Settings -> Single Player Colour Multi Player Primary Colour Multi Player Secondary Colour Reset Multiplayer Stats

              Audio Volume Slider (will be designed just like the in game economy sliders)
              Contrast Slider


BRyeGmoney commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem with the menu that I have with the startup screens. The menu has to match the game. I don't think words is the way to go and I'm not fully sure why you moved away from the icons direction. We have a game fully based around recognizable shapes with specific functions, it wouldn't match up if we used only words in the menu system.

Certain options like Starting money and Game speed as examples should be letters and words, but main options and just about as much as you can think of should be in icons with word support. The two should work in tandem.

Check out some inspiration for game menus man, expand your horizons. Do some field research, see what everyone else is coming up with and one up those peasant fucks. I recall Blur having something unique in their menus with lots of icons but i could be crazy.

Remember, the whole thing needs to be a solid experience. If even in one point it feels like two different styles then we've failed. I came up with what I think will be a really sweet visual touch that I'll be including in a question I'll be posting here. But basically, you'll be free to not have to display certain tiles. So if you want to have an icon in a tile, and write the word/description for the button's purpose beside or underneath you can do so freely without worrying about length or any tile lines getting in the way. When I post my question some time today I will elaborate more clearly with pictures and hopefully you'll understand. If not, I'll write a short demo showing it off.