BSData / warmahordes

Warmachine Hordes
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[Join Request] #31

Closed JimOrtiz closed 9 years ago

JimOrtiz commented 9 years ago

I'd like to work on adding the Cygnar catalog to the repository. I made a fork, added a Cygnar catalog, and started working through the first Warcaster in the book, using Khador as a basis. I noticed that a few of the shared rules have shared GUIDs between Khador and Protectorate. Is there an easy way to copy those from catalog to catalog?

Obiken commented 9 years ago

Welcome aboard, the join request will probably go through as soon as an admin sees it.

What I've done to to form the basis of a new catalog is basically to copy all rules and shared entries in a text editor from another catalog. And then run a home made program to get mercenary entries over.

If you put up yours catalog as far as it's come, I can fill it up with shared rules, shared entries and the mercs that work for Cygnar.

amis92 commented 9 years ago

@JimOrtiz - Invitation sent, please accept to join the warmahordes team :)