BaRatin-tools / BaRatinAGE

BaRatin Advanced Graphical Environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pb d'ouverture d'étude créées v2-1 avec la v2-2 #4

Closed JeromeLeCoz closed 1 year ago

JeromeLeCoz commented 1 year ago

J'ai noté plusieurs cas d'études créées avec la 2-1 qui posent pb à l'ouverture avec la 2-2, voici deux exemples ici :

IvanHeriver commented 1 year ago

I was too late to download these examples... Could you please upload theme again?

IvanHeriver commented 1 year ago

I found a way to fix this bug... But it's a temp fix which calls for further code refactoring (for BaRatinAGE v3).

As always, this bug is due to encoding issues with files within the broken project (bar zip file) which are encoded in WINDOWS-1252 instead of UTF-8.

I now use an another external library called juniversalchardet which detects the encoding of the files so the appropriate CharSet can be used when creating the Scanner objects used to actually read the text files...

Here is an idea for V3: all read/write of text files within BaRatinAGE should be centralized in a single place.

I leave the issue open for now, waiting for feedback on this bug fix.

JeromeLeCoz commented 1 year ago

Great you have understood and found a way to fix it. I think it can wait for version 2-3 indeed.