BaRatin-tools / BaRatinAGE

BaRatin Advanced Graphical Environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Content of tab "Parameter Summary" is always in english, irrespective of the selected language #63

Open benRenard opened 1 month ago

benRenard commented 1 month ago

not a big deal but still...

benRenard commented 1 month ago

same thing for the headers of tab "Bareme" - moreover it's worth using more explicit headers, e.g. "lower bound of parametric uncertainty" etc.

IvanHeriver commented 1 month ago

the lack of translation is intentional to have consistent headers in exported data from BaRatinAGE regardless of the language. This behavior can be changed.

As for the more explicit headers, it is also intentional. I find it quite inconvenient to have long headers, special characters and so on if the exported datasets are to be imported elsewhere (R, excel, etc.).

benRenard commented 1 month ago

OK makes sense. Then an easy fix would be to add a small translatable text area explaining the headers. The explanation can also be found in the online help but it's a bit difficult to locate it according to users.