Baldinof / roadrunner-bundle

A RoadRunner worker integrated in your Symfony app
MIT License
255 stars 46 forks source link

Failed after run http.Plugin #119

Closed krajcikondra closed 1 year ago

krajcikondra commented 1 year ago


I installed roadrunner-bundle to my project, but I am facing to following problem.

When I run

bin/rr serve

Application failed in followering error:

2023-06-27T12:00:41.934Z    ERROR   container/poller.go:16  vertex got an error {"id": "http.Plugin", "error": "static_pool_allocate_workers: WorkerAllocate:\n\tgoridge_frame_receive: validation failed on the message sent to STDOUT, see:, invalid message: <!DOCTYPE html>\n<html dir=\"ltr\" lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n    <meta charset=\"UTF-8\" />\n    <meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex,nofollow,noarchive,nosnippet,noodp,notranslate,noimageindex\" />\n    <title>Welcome to Symfony!</title>\n    <style>\n                                body { background: hsla(169, 20%, 95%, 1); color: hsla(169, 20%, 45%, 1); display: flex; font: 16px/1.5 sans-serif; justify-content: center; margin: 0; }\n        h1, h2 { line-height: 1.2; margin: 0 0 .5em; }\n        h1 { font-size: 36px; }\n        h2 { font-size: 21px; margin-bottom: 1em; }\n        a { color: hsla(169, 20%, 45%, 0.75) }\n        a:hover { text-decoration: none; }\n        code { border-radius: 25px; background: hsla(169, 20%, 95%, 1); box-shadow: 0 0 45px -15px hsl(169, 20%, 2%); color: hsla(169, 20%, 45%, 1); font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, \"Liberation Mono\", \"Courier New\", monospace; align-items: center; padding-right: 20px; position: relative; word-wrap: break-word; z-index: 1; }\n        svg { overflow: hidden; vertical-align: text-bottom; }\n        .wrapper { text-align: center; width: 100%; }\n        .container { position: relative; background: radial-gradient(ellipse at bottom, hsla(169, 20%, 45%, 1) 0%, hsl(169, 20%, 13%) 100%); background-attachment: fixed; color: hsla(169, 20%, 95%, 1); }\n        .container:after { content: \"\"; position: absolute; height: 2px; width: .duration + ' ms';            }            if (request.profilerUrl) {                profilerCell.textContent = '';                var profilerLink = document.createElement('a');                profilerLink.setAttribute('href', request.profilerUrl);                profilerLink.textContent = request.profile;                profilerCell.appendChild(profilerLink);            }            renderAjaxRequests();        };                    if (window.fetch && window.fetch.polyfill === undefined) {                var oldFetch = window.fetch;                window.fetch = function () {                    var promise = oldFetch.apply(this, arguments);                    var url = arguments[0];                    var params = arguments[1];                    var paramType =[0]);                    if (paramType === '[object Request]') {                        url = arguments[0].url;                        params = {                            method: arguments[0].method,                            credentials: arguments[0].credentials,                            headers: arguments[0].headers,                            mode: arguments[0].mode,                            redirect: arguments[0].redirect                        };                    } else {                        url = String(url);                    }                    if (!url.match(new RegExp(\"^\\/((index|app(_[\\\\w]+)?)\\\\.php\\/)?_wdt\"))) {                        var method = 'GET';                        if (params && params.method !== undefined) {                            method = params.method;                        }                        var stackElement = {                            error: false,                            url: url,                            method: method,                            type: 'fetch',                            start: new Date()                        };                        var idx = requestStack.push(stackElement) - 1;                        promise.then(function (r) {                            stackElement.duration = new Date() - stackElement.start;                            stackElement.error = r.status < 200 || r.status >= 400;                            stackElement.statusCode = r.status;                            stackElement.profile = r.headers.get('x-debug-token');                            stackElement.profilerUrl = r.headers.get('x-debug-token-link');                            stackElement.toolbarReplaceFinished = false;                            stackElement.toolbarReplace = '1' === r.headers.get('Symfony-Debug-Toolbar-Replace');                            finishAjaxRequest(idx);                        }, function (e){                            stackElement.error = true;                            finishAjaxRequest(idx);                        });                        startAjaxRequest(idx);                    }                    return promise;                };            }            if (window.XMLHttpRequest && XMLHttpRequest.prototype.addEventListener) {                var proxied =;       = function(method, url, async, user, pass) {                    var self = this;                    /* prevent logging AJAX calls to static and inline files, like templates */                    var path = url;                    if (url.slice(0, 1) === '/') {                        if (0 === url.indexOf('')) {                            path = url.slice(0);                        }                    }                    else if (0 === url.indexOf('http\\u003A\\/\\/\\u003A')) {                        path = url.slice(8);                    }                    if (!path.match(new RegExp(\"^\\/((index|app(_[\\\\w]+)?)\\\\.php\\/)?_wdt\"))) {                        var stackElement = {                            error: false,                            url: url,                            method: method,                            type: 'xhr',                            start: new Date()                        };                        var idx = requestStack.push(stackElement) - 1;                        this.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() {                            if (self.readyState == 4) {                                stackElement.duration = new Date() - stackElement.start;                                stackElement.error = self.status < 200 || self.status >= 400;                                stackElement.statusCode = self.status;                                extractHeaders(self, stackElement);                                finishAjaxRequest(idx);                            }                        }, false);                        startAjaxRequest(idx);                    }                    proxied.apply(this,;                };            }                return {            hasClass: hasClass,            removeClass: removeClass,            addClass: addClass,            toggleClass: toggleClass,            getPreference: getPreference,            setPreference: setPreference,            addEventListener: addEventListener,            request: request,            renderAjaxRequests: renderAjaxRequests,            getSfwdt: function(token) {                if (!this.sfwdt) {                    this.sfwdt = document.getElementById('sfwdt' + token);                }                return this.sfwdt;            },            load: function(selector, url, onSuccess, onError, options) {                var el = document.getElementById(selector);                if (el && el.getAttribute('data-sfurl') !== url) {                    request(                        url,                        function(xhr) {                            el.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;                            el.setAttribute('data-sfurl', url);                            removeClass(el, 'loading');                            var pending = pendingRequests;                            for (var i = 0; i < requestStack.length; i++) {                                startAjaxRequest(i);                                if (requestStack[i].duration) {                                    finishAjaxRequest(i);                                }                            }                            /* Revert the pending state in case there was a start called without a finish above. */                            pendingRequests = pending;                            (onSuccess || noop)(xhr, el);                        },                        function(xhr) { (onError || noop)(xhr, el); },                        '',                        options                    );                }                return this;            },            showToolbar: function(token) {                var sfwdt = this.getSfwdt(token);                removeClass(sfwdt, 'sf-display-none');                if (getPreference('toolbar/displayState') == 'none') {                    document.getElementById('sfToolbarMainContent-' + token).style.display = 'none';                    document.getElementById('sfToolbarClearer-' + token).style.display = 'none';                    document.getElementById('sfMiniToolbar-' + token).style.display = 'block';                } else {                    document.getElementById('sfToolbarMainContent-' + token).style.display = 'block';                    document.getElementById('sfToolbarClearer-' + token).style.display = 'block';                    document.getElementById('sfMiniToolbar-' + token).style.display = 'none';                }            },            hideToolbar: function(token) {                var sfwdt = this.getSfwdt(token);                addClass(sfwdt, 'sf-display-none');            },            initToolbar: function(token) {                this.showToolbar(token);                var hideButton = document.getElementById('sfToolbarHideButton-' + token);                var hideButtonSvg = hideButton.querySelector('svg');                hideButtonSvg.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');                hideButtonSvg.setAttribute('focusable', 'false');                addEventListener(hideButton, 'click', function (event) {                    event.preventDefault();                    var p = this.parentNode;           = 'none';                    (p.previousElementSibling || p.previousSibling).style.display = 'none';                    document.getElementById('sfMiniToolbar-' + token).style.display = 'block';                    setPreference('toolbar/displayState', 'none');                });                var showButton = document.getElementById('sfToolbarMiniToggler-' + token);                var showButtonSvg = showButton.querySelector('svg');                showButtonSvg.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');                showButtonSvg.setAttribute('focusable', 'false');                addEventListener(showButton, 'click', function (event) {                    event.preventDefault();                    var elem = this.parentNode;                    if ( == 'none') {                        document.getElementById('sfToolbarMainContent-' + token).style.display = 'none';                        document.getElementById('sfToolbarClearer-' + token).style.display = 'none';               = 'block';                    } else {                        document.getElementById('sfToolbarMainContent-' + token).style.display = 'block';                        document.getElementById('sfToolbarClearer-' + token).style.display = 'block';               = 'none'                    }                    setPreference('toolbar/displayState', 'block');                });            },            loadToolbar: function(token, newToken) {                var that = this;                var triesCounter = document.getElementById('sfLoadCounter-' + token);                var options = {                    retry: true,                    onSend: function (count) {                        if (count === 3) {                            that.initToolbar(token);                        }                        if (triesCounter) {                            triesCounter.textContent = count;                        }                    },                };                var cancelButton = document.getElementById('sfLoadCancel-' + token);                if (cancelButton) {                    addEventListener(cancelButton, 'click', function (event) {                        event.preventDefault();                        options.stop = true;                        that.hideToolbar(token);                    });                }                newToken = (newToken || token);                this.load(                    'sfwdt' + token,                    '\\/_wdt\\/xxxxxx'.replace(/xxxxxx/, newToken),                    function(xhr, el) {                        /* Do nothing in the edge case where the toolbar has already been replaced with a new one */                        if (!document.getElementById('sfToolbarMainContent-' + newToken)) {                            return;                        }                        /* Evaluate in global scope scripts embedded inside the toolbar */                        var i, scripts = []'script'));                        for (i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) {                  {}, scripts[i].firstChild.nodeValue);                        }               = -1 !== xhr.responseText.indexOf('sf-toolbarreset') ? 'block' : 'none';                        if ( == 'none') {                            return;                        }                        that.initToolbar(newToken);                        /* Handle toolbar-info position */                        var toolbarBlocks = []'.sf-toolbar-block'));                        for (i = 0; i < toolbarBlocks.length; ++i) {                            toolbarBlocks[i].onmouseover = function () {                                var toolbarInfo = this.querySelectorAll('.sf-toolbar-info')[0];                                var pageWidth = document.body.clientWidth;                                var elementWidth = toolbarInfo.offsetWidth;                                var leftValue = (elementWidth + this.offsetLeft) - pageWidth;                                var rightValue = (elementWidth + (pageWidth - arHideButton-15470b" title="Close Toolbar" accesskey="D" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="sfToolbarMainContent-15470b">        <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="#AAA" d="M21.1 18.3c.8.8.8 2 0 2.8-.4.4-.9.6-1.4.6s-1-.2-1.4-.6L12 14.8l-6.3 6.3c-.4.4-.9.6-1.4.6s-1-.2-1.4-.6a2 2 0 0 1 0-2.8L9.2 12 2.9 5.7a2 2 0 0 1 0-2.8 2 2 0 0 1 2.8 0L12 9.2l6.3-6.3a2 2 0 0 1 2.8 0c.8.8.8 2 0 2.8L14.8 12l6.3 6.3z"/></svg>    </button></div><!-- END of Symfony Web Debug Toolbar --></div><script nonce="11640ce1f5d919f86622f3e806d70cba">/*<![CDATA[*/    if (typeof Sfjs === 'undefined' || typeof Sfjs.loadToolbar === 'undefined') {    Sfjs = (function() {        "use strict";        if ('classList' in document.documentElement) {            var hasClass = function (el, cssClass) { return el.classList.contains(cssClass); };            var removeClass = function(el, cssClass) { el.classList.remove(cssClass); };            var addClass = function(el, cssClass) { el.classList.add(cssClass); };            var toggleClass = function(el, cssClass) { el.classList.toggle(cssClass); };        } else {            var hasClass = function (el, cssClass) { return el.className.match(new RegExp('\\b' + cssClass + '\\b')); };            var removeClass = function(el, cssClass) { el.className = el.className.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + cssClass + '\\b'), ' '); };            var addClass = function(el, cssClass) { if (!hasClass(el, cssClass)) { el.className += " " + cssClass; } };            var toggleClass = function(el, cssClass) { hasClass(el, cssClass) ? removeClass(el, cssClass) : addClass(el, cssClass); };        }        var noop = function() {};        var profilerStorageKey = 'symfony/profiler/';        var addEventListener;        var el = document.createElement('div');        if (!('addEventListener' in el)) {            addEventListener = function (element, eventName, callback) {                element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, callback);            };        } else {            addEventListener = function (element, eventName, callback) {                element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, false);            };        }        if (navigator.clipboard) {            document.querySelectorAll('[data-clipboard-text]').forEach(function(element) {                removeClass(element, 'hidden');                element.addEventListener('click', function() {                    navigator.clipboard.writeText(element.getAttribute('data-clipboard-text'));                })            });        }        var request = function(url, onSuccess, onError, payload, options, tries) {            var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');            options = options || {};            options.retry = options.retry || false;            tries = tries || 1;            /* this delays for 125, 375, 625, 875, and 1000, ... */            var delay = tries < 5 ? (tries - 0.5) * 250 : 1000;   || 'GET', url, true);            xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');            xhr.onreadystatechange = function(state) {                if (4 !== xhr.readyState) {                    return null;                }                if (xhr.status == 404 && options.retry && !options.stop) {                    setTimeout(function() {                        if (options.stop) {                            return;                        }                        request(url, onSuccess, onError, payload, options, tries + 1);                    }, delay);                    return null;                }                if (200 === xhr.status) {                    (onSuccess || noop)(xhr);                } else {                    (onError || noop)(xhr);                }            };            if (options.onSend) {                options.onSend(tries);            }            xhr.send(payload || '');        };        var getPreference = function(name) {            if (!window.localStorage) {                return null;            }            return localStorage.getItem(profilerStorageKey + name);        };        var setPreference = function(name, value) {            if (!window.localStorage) {                return null;            }            localStorage.setItem(profilerStorageKey + name, value);        };        var requestStack = [];        var extractHeaders = function(xhr, stackElement) {            /* Here we avoid to call xhr.getResponseHeader in order to */            /* prevent polluting the console with CORS security errors */            var allHeaders = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();            var ret;            if (ret = && {                   = false;                        }                    });                });            },            updateLogsTable: function() {                const selectedType = document.querySelector('#log-filter-type input:checked').value;                const priorities = document.querySelectorAll('#log-filter-priority input');                const allPriorities = Array.from(priorities).map((input) => input.value);                const selectedPriorities = Array.from(priorities).filter((input) => input.checked).map((input) => input.value);                const channels = document.querySelectorAll('#log-filter-channel input');                const selectedChannels = Array.from(channels).filter((input) => input.checked).map((input) => input.value);                const logs = document.querySelector('table.logs');                if (null === logs) {                    return;                }                /* hide rows that don't match the current filters */                let numVisibleRows = 0;                logs.querySelectorAll('tbody tr').forEach((row) => {                    if ('all' !== selectedType && selectedType !== row.getAttribute('data-type')) {               = 'none';                        return;                    }                    const priority = row.getAttribute('data-priority');                    if (false === selectedPriorities.includes(priority) && true === allPriorities.includes(priority)) {               = 'none';                        return;                    }                    if ('' !== row.getAttribute('data-channel') && false === selectedChannels.includes(row.getAttribute('data-channel'))) {               = 'none';                        return;                    }           = 'table-row';                    numVisibleRows++;                });                document.querySelector('table.logs').style.display = 0 === numVisibleRows ? 'none' : 'table';                document.querySelector('.no-logs-message').style.display = 0 === numVisibleRows ? 'block' : 'none';                /* update the selected totals of all filters */                document.querySelector('#log-filter-priority .filter-active-num').innerText = (priorities.length === selectedPriorities.length) ? 'All' : selectedPriorities.length;                document.querySelector('#log-filter-channel .filter-active-num').innerText = (channels.length === selectedChannels.length) ? 'All' : selectedChannels.length;                /* update the currently selected "log type" tab */                document.querySelectorAll('#log-filter-type li').forEach((tab) => tab.classList.remove('active'));                document.querySelector(`#log-filter-type input[value="${selectedType}"]`).parentElement.classList.add('active');            },        };    })();    Sfjs.addEventListener(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', function() {        Sfjs.createTabs();        Sfjs.createToggles();    });}/*]]>*/</script><style nonce="6b23c04ff9ffb68d2aa8ed8de00a9bf4">    .sf-minitoolbar {    background-color: #222;    border-top-left-radius: 4px;    bottom: 0;    box-sizing: border-box;    display: none;    height: 36px;    padding: 6px;    position: fixed;    right: 0;    z-index: 99999;}.sf-minitoolbar button {    background-color: transparent;    padding: 0;    border: none;}.sf-minitoolbar svg,.sf-minitoolbar img {    max-height: 24px;    max-width: 24px;    display: inline;}.sf-toolbar-clearer {    clear: both; 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   height: 36px;    cursor: pointer;    text-align: center;    border: none;    margin: 0;    padding: 0;}.sf-toolbarreset .hide-button svg {    max-height: 18px;    margin-top: 1px;}.sf-toolbar-block {    cursor: default;    display: block;    float: left;    height: 36px;    margin-right: 0;    white-space: nowrap;    max-width: 15%;}.sf-toolbar-block > a,.sf-toolbar-block > a:hover {    display: block;    text-decoration: none;    background-color: transparent;    color: inherit;}.sf-toolbar-block span {    display: inline-block;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-value {    color: #F5F5F5;    font-size: 13px;    line-height: 36px;    padding: 0;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-label,.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-class-separator {    color: #AAA;    font-size: 12px;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info {    border-collapse: collapse;    display: table;    z-index: 100000;}.sf-toolbar-block hr {    border-top: 1px solid #777;    margin: 4px 0;    padding-top: 4px;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece {    /* this 'border-bottom' trick is needed because 'margin-bottom' doesn't work for table rows */    border-bottom: solid transparent 3px;    display: table-row;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece-additional,.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece-additional-detail {    display: none;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-group {    margin-bottom: 4px;    padding-bottom: 2px;    border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-group:last-child {    margin-bottom: 0;    padding-bottom: 0;    border-bottom: none;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece .sf-toolbar-status {    padding: 2px 5px;    margin-bottom: 0;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece .sf-toolbar-status + .sf-toolbar-status {    margin-left: 4px;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece:last-child {    margin-bottom: 0;}div.sf-toolbar .sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece a {    color: #99CDD8;    text-decoration: underline;}div.sf-toolbar .sf-toolbar-block a:hover {    text-decoration: none;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece b {    color: #AAA;    display: table-cell;    font-size: 11px;    padding: 4px 8px 4px 0;}.sf-toolbar-block:not(.sf-toolbar-block-dump) .sf-toolbar-info-piece span {    color: #F5F5F5;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece span {    font-size: 12px;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info {    background-color: #444;    bottom: 36px;    color: #F5F5F5;    display: none;    padding: 9px 0;    position: absolute;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info:empty {    visibility: hidden;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-status {    display: inline-block;    color: #FFF;    background-color: #666;    padding: 3px 6px;    margin-bottom: 2px;    vertical-align: middle;    min-width: 15px;    min-height: 13px;    text-align: center;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-status-green {    background-color: #4F805D;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-status-red {    background-color: #B0413E;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-status-yellow {    background-color: #A46A1F;}.sf-toolbar-block.sf-toolbar-status-green {    background-color: #4F805D;    color: #FFF;}.sf-toolbar-block.sf-toolbar-status-red {    background-color: #B0413E;    color: #FFF;}.sf-toolbar-block.sf-toolbar-status-yellow {    background-color: #A46A1F;    color: #FFF;}.sf-toolbar-block-request .sf-toolbar-status {    color: #FFF;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 14px;    height: 36px;    line-height: 36px;    padding: 0 10px;}.sf-toolbar-block-request .sf-toolbar-info-piece a {    background-color: transparent;    text-decoration: none;}.sf-toolbar-block-request .sf-toolbar-info-piece a:hover {    text-decoration: underline;}.sf-toolbar-block-request .sf-toolbar-redirection-status {    font-weight: normal;    padding: 2px 4px;    line-height: 18px;}.sf-toolbar-block-request .sf-toolbar-info-piece span.sf-toolbar-redirection-method {    font-size: 12px;    height: 17px;    line-height: 17px;    margin-right: 5px;}.sf-toolbar-block-ajax .sf-toolbar-icon {    cursor: pointer;}.sf-toolbar-status-green .sf-toolbar-label,.sf-toolbar-status-yellow .sf-toolbar-label,.sf-toolbar-status-red .sf-toolbar-label {    color: #FFF;}.sf-toolbar-status-green svg path,.sf-toolbar-status-green svg .sf-svg-path,.sf-toolbar-status-red svg path,.sf-toolbar-status-red svg .sf-svg-path,.sf-toolbar-status-yellow svg path,.sf-toolbar-status-yellow svg .sf-svg-path {    fill: #FFF;}.sf-toolbar-block-config svg path,.sf-toolbar-block-config svg .sf-svg-path {    fill: #FFF;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-icon {    display: block;    height: 36px;    padding: 0 7px;    overflow: hidden;    text-overflow: ellipsis;}.sf-toolbar-block-request .sf-toolbar-icon {    padding-left: 0;    padding-right: 0;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-icon img,.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-icon svg {    border-width: 0;    position: relative;    top: 8px;    vertical-align: baseline;}.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-icon img + span,.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-icon svg + span {    margin-left: 4px;}.sf-toolbar-block-config .sf-toolbar-icon .sf-toolbar-value {    margin-left: 4px;}.sf-toolbar-block:hover,.sf-toolbar-block.hover {    position: relative;}.sf-toolbar-block:hover .sf-toolbar-icon,.sf-toolbar-block.hover .sf-toolbar-icon {    background-color: #444;    position: relative;    z-index: 10002;}.sf-toolbar-block-ajax.hover .sf-toolbar-info {    z-index: 10001;}.sf-toolbar-block:hover .sf-toolbar-info,.sf-toolbar-block.hover .sf-toolbar-info {    display: block;    padding: 10px;    max-width: 525px;    max-height: 480px;    word-wrap: break-word; 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}    100% { background: #222; }}.sf-toolbar-block.sf-toolbar-block-dump .sf-toolbar-info {    max-width: none;    width: 100%;    position: fixed;    box-sizing: border-box;    left: 0;}.sf-toolbar-block-dump pre.sf-dump {    background-color: #222;    border-color: #777;    border-radius: 0;    margin: 6px 0 12px 0;}.sf-toolbar-block-dump pre.sf-dump:last-child {    margin-bottom: 0;}.sf-toolbar-block-dump pre.sf-dump .sf-dump-search-wrapper {    margin-bottom: 5px;}.sf-toolbar-block-dump pre.sf-dump span.sf-dump-search-count {    color: #333;    font-size: 12px;}.sf-toolbar-block-dump .sf-toolbar-info-piece {    display: block;}.sf-toolbar-block-dump .sf-toolbar-info-piece .sf-toolbar-file-line {    color: #AAA;    margin-left: 4px;}.sf-toolbar-block-dump .sf-toolbar-info img {    display: none;}/* Responsive Design */.sf-toolbar-icon .sf-toolbar-label,.sf-toolbar-icon .sf-toolbar-value {    display: none;}.sf-toolbar-block-config .sf-toolbar-icon .sf-toolbar-label {    display: inline-block;}/* Legacy Design - these styles are maintained to make old panels look   a bit better on the new toolbar */.sf-toolbar-block .sf-toolbar-info-piece-additional-detail {    color: #AAA; 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plugin: http.Plugin

I have no idea what is wrong. Can somebody help me?

Baldinof commented 1 year ago


Can you dump your RoadRunner config file .rr.yaml, your Symfony Version, RR version and this bundle version please?

krajcikondra commented 1 year ago


Can you dump your RoadRunner config file .rr.yaml, your Symfony Version, RR version and this bundle version please?

my .rr.yaml

version: "2.7"

  command: "php public/index.php"
  # If you are not using symfony 5.3+ and the new Runtime component:
  # remove the previous `command` line above and uncomment the line below to use the deprecated command.
  # command: "php bin/console baldinof:roadrunner:worker"
    - APP_RUNTIME: Baldinof\RoadRunnerBundle\Runtime\Runtime

  middleware: [ "static", "gzip" ]
    forbid: [ ".php", ".exe", ".bat" ]
    dir: "public"
    forbid: [ ".php", ".htaccess" ]

  mode: production
      level: debug # Log all http requests, set to info to disable
      level: info # Everything written to worker stderr is logged
      mode: raw
      level: error

# Uncomment to use metrics integration
# rpc:
#   listen: tcp://

# Uncomment to use metrics integration
# metrics:
#   # prometheus client address (path /metrics added automatically)
#   address: ""

My symfony version is 5.2 baldinof/roadrunner-bundle version: 2.3.2 rr version 2.12.3

Baldinof commented 1 year ago

It should work, are you able to start the app using symfony serve or bin/console?

krajcikondra commented 1 year ago

It should work, are you able to start the app using symfony serve or bin/console?

Yes both variants are working

Baldinof commented 1 year ago

Ho, I think it's because you are on Symfony 5.2. since the symfony/runtime component has been released with 5.3 Can you try to update the RR config to use command: "php bin/console baldinof:roadrunner:worker"?

krajcikondra commented 1 year ago

I update symfony 5.2 to 5.4 but still same issue.

Can be problem with deprecated warnings in console?


[2023-06-27T15:21:09.705714+02:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Not setting the 5th argument of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker::__construct" to "false" is deprecated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Not setting the 5th argument of \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authorization\\AuthorizationChecker::__construct\" to \"false\" is deprecated. at /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/security-core/Authorization/AuthorizationChecker.php:50)","tracy_filename":"exception--2023-06-27--4a96b85646.html"} []

krajcikondra commented 1 year ago

I forgot to mention I use docker. Can be some problem with docker?

Baldinof commented 1 year ago

What is the content of public/index.php? Did you tried to change the command?

Baldinof commented 1 year ago

I forgot to mention I use docker. Can be some problem with docker?

It should not.

krajcikondra commented 1 year ago

What is the content of public/index.php? Did you tried to change the command?

Content of public/index.php


use App\Kernel;
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;
use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Debug;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

(new Dotenv())->bootEnv(dirname(__DIR__) . '/.env');

if ($_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']) {


$kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $kernel->handle($request);
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);

Its original content. I have never changed it.

Baldinof commented 1 year ago

So you need to change your .rr.yaml file to be like this:

# ...

  command: "php bin/console baldinof:roadrunner:worker"
  # If you are not using symfony 5.3+ and the new Runtime component:
  # remove the previous `command` line above and uncomment the line below to use the deprecated command.
  # command: "php public/index.php"
    - APP_RUNTIME: Baldinof\RoadRunnerBundle\Runtime\Runtime
# ...

If you want to use command: "php public/index.php", you need to upgrade your symfony project to the last flex recipe and have a index.php like this one:

Running composer recipes:update symfony/framework-bundle should work, here you can find the doc page about recipes update:

krajcikondra commented 1 year ago

Great, Now it works. Thanks you very much :-)