BallAerospace / COSMOS

Ball Aerospace COSMOS
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Mapping Single Target to Multiple Interfaces #1785

Open cwozny opened 1 year ago

cwozny commented 1 year ago

Couldn't find anything in the documentation, but is it possible to map multiple interfaces to the same target?

For example: we have to communicate over UDP to two separate devices (antenna array with a separate IP/port for each of its two bands), but they have an identical ICD. Only way I can think of to do this is just make two targets: one for the low band and one for the mid band and copy the message definitions between the two of them which is somewhat unfortunate.

I'm hoping you all have this covered and I just can't find it in the documentation.

SteveJudy commented 7 months ago

Did you ever solve this issue? We need the same solution. Thanks.

ryanmelt commented 7 months ago

This is now possible in OpenC3 COSMOS.

SteveJudy commented 7 months ago

Bleah ... wish I was in a position to upgrade from 4.5. Next mission!