Banbeucmas / banbeu-dotfiles-fushigina-miko

Linux Desktop Ricing revamp
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This project is aim to revamps my whole Linux dotfiles, I have been using my current dotfiles for 5 years, and with my machine getting to the point of reinstallation, It's time for me to rerice my beloved machine again.

This also serves as a practice time for me when it comes to Bash and Linux management. This setup is based on one of my old rice, but with rounded corner thanks to the advancement of science 🥳

Basic information

OS: Arch Linux
WM: bspwm
Wallpaper: ◇不思議な巫女◇ by 萃, click here to check
Terminal: xst
Fonts: Cascadia Code + Source Han Serif JP
Editor: Neovim
Menu: rofi
Bar: Polybar
Music player: ncmpcpp + mpd

To-do list


Clone the repository

git clone
cd banbeu-arch-dotfiles

For arch-based system. Edit and execute

I recommend putting ignore option to ask and set option to partial for existing user that has riced their setup

Else, install rofi sxhkd picom-jonaburg-fix mpd libmpdclient polybar ncmpcpp python-ueberzug-git xorg-xrdb xorg-xinit zsh stow gotop code zscroll-git, cd to the repository and manually use stow to apply the config

Alternatively, to stow all files, use

cd config && make

If you want to have notification for mpd, copy my script and enable it as a service

cp systemd/mpc-dunst.service ~/.config/systemd/user
sudo cp config/dunst/.config/dunst/scripts/ /usr/local/bin

systemctl --user enable mpc-dunst.service

For wallpaper, I intentionally left it out of this rice, read above and apply the wallpaper manually if you want to use it for your rice



Frequenly Asked Question

Q: Why don't you post your wallpaper?
A: At least have some respect for the artist, check their work out!

Q: How do you manage your dotfiles?
A: I know some has been using bare repository to manage their dotfiles recently, I prefer to use stow and make to symlink everything, try it out.

Q: Your ./ is bad you know?
A: Yes..., at least it gonna work once I make my theme switcher

Q: How does your shadow works with rounded corner?
A: picom-jonaburg-fix works like a charm, just make sure the compositor handles everything regarding corners

Q: Can I post suggestion?
A: Sure, post an issue. I need to clean

Q: How can I tslk to you?
A: I am fairly active in my own Discord. Click here to join