Barelydead / strapi-plugin-populate-deep

A Strapi plugin that makes it easier to populate deep content structures
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Add node v18 support #27

Closed chohner closed 1 year ago

chohner commented 1 year ago

Node 18 is supported in strapi since

This updates the corresponding node engine to supported the same range


kuyazee commented 1 year ago

Please merge this.

Would be great if @Barelydead could add collaborators on this package as well

Barelydead commented 1 year ago

Merge this now and realased a new version v2.0.0

raineydavid commented 1 year ago

package.json still states "engines": { "node": ">=14.19.1 <=18.x.x", "npm": ">=6.0.0" },